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  • Mike Willis's StoryGetting through college isn’t easy, especially as a child of a single-mom. With the help of the PLU community, Mike graduated with honors in 1973. “I went to my state’s largest high school, I knew I wanted a place where people knew me, and I knew them. I get sentimental just thinking about the first call I received from PLU. Three years later when I was about 11 days away from my last day at PLU, I was called into the administrative building, my heart started to pound as I

  • Special Circumstances PLU understands that students and families might be facing special circumstances that are not reflected on the FAFSA. Examples of special circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following: Job loss Reduction of income Loss of income due to death, divorce, or separation Medical expenses Support provided to family members not reflected on the FAFSA Private K-12 expenses College expenses for student’s sibling(s) If you are facing special circumstances and wish to

  • offering doctorate degrees for the 2023-2024 cycle. Pacific Lutheran University has earned a “Top Ten 2024-25 Military Friendly Spouse School” designation, placing sixth among private universities offering doctorate degrees. Read Previous Elijah Paez ’24 developed passions for environmental justice, mathematics and bird watching during his PLU years Read Next Big picture learning: Physics major Julian Kop ’24 studies the universe and his family background at PLU COMMENTS*Note: All comments are

  • up his daughters. Her mother was a woman of useful plain sense, with a good temper, and, what is more remarkable, with a good constitution. She had three sons before Catherine was born; and instead of dying in bringing the latter into the world, as anybody might expect, she still lived on—lived to have six children more—to see them growing up around her, and to enjoy excellent health herself. A family of ten children will be always called a fine family, where there are heads and arms and legs

  • in Bath, and what a pleasure it was to see an old friend, they proceeded to make inquiries and give intelligence as to their families, sisters, and cousins, talking both together, far more ready to give than to receive information, and each hearing very little of what the other said. Mrs. Thorpe, however, had one great advantage as a talker, over Mrs. Allen, in a family of children; and when she expatiated on the talents of her sons, and the beauty of her daughters, when she related their

  • hope that some day nations can live in harmony. Veterans Day 2014 at PLU on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014. (PLU Photo/John Froschauer) The date of Veterans Day has some personal resonance for me, because both of my grandfathers were in uniform on that day, November 11th, 1918, and they both expressed their joy at hearing the news of the armistice.  In fact, members of my family have been in uniform for every American war except for the Spanish-American War.  I keep a small framed photograph of my father

  • and in the New Yorker – by scribbling notes to surgical tape and then sticking them to his flight suit while he was out in the field. He’d then transcribing thoughts to a notebook and to emails home to his family in 2003. The notes talked about parties and practical jokes – a la MASH –  to let off steam, and of soldiers, looking up from ruined bodies, begging Hrivnak to tell them everything was going to be alright.  Hrivnak reflects on survivor’s guilt, along with the frustration with the American

  • dCenter Alumni Weekend – Resolute Online: Fall 2016 Search Features Features Welcome The Saint John’s Bible Hospitality Reformation Listen Called to PLU Women and the Holocaust On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni Board Letter Bjug Harstad Day of Giving Alumni Award Winners dCenter Alumni Weekend Alumni Profiles Class Notes Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Calendar Calendar Highlights dCenter

  • Summer Research Program ‹ Resolute Online: Spring 2015 Home Features Germany J-Term Women’s Center at 25 Jehane Noujaim It’s On Us Attaway Lutes Editor’s Note On Campus Discovery Research Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni Profiles Homecoming 2015 Twin Cities ‘Waste Not’ Seattle Connections Easter Egg Hunt Night at the Rainiers Alumni Events Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Home Features Germany J-Term Women’s Center at 25 Jehane Noujaim It’s On Us

  • undergraduate trajectory. Congratulations, Class of 2020! Frankee Broer I would like to thank specifically my mentors for this project Adela Ramos and Steve Sobeck. More broadly I would like to thank all the Professors at PLU that have supported my undergraduate career. Shout out to my family for your infinite support, energy and belief in me as a young woman. Especially you Mom, for the love you share for the arts and the Earth. A black hole of love and thanks to my dearest friends. Lastly, to the people