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  • Why Political Science?Many students want to know how governments are organized, how rules are made and how government influences the amount and distribution of social rewards.  As a citizen you may want to know how to wield influence and change rules or outcomes, either through government or in other political situations.  You may wish to work in government or in the many organizations that are regulated by and try to influence government.  Any of these purposes can be served by a greater

  • touched on the importance of addressing student-athlete demographics. Specifically, the reports identified the need to better engage with BIPOC student-athletes and be intentional about connecting students of color with campus resources. Some of that work has already begun, with the department developing an Anti-Racism and Social Justice statement in the fall while also forming a Diversity and Inclusion Committee. The department also continues to work with offices across campus, including The

  • driven by hard-working parents who wanted us to have what they did not. And we did. Around the time I was graduating from PLU, my mom got to experience the first-gen feeling, too. She earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Montana. I may have had a bit of a chip on my shoulder as a young college student who faced challenges different than some of my peers at PLU, but the pride I have in myself, my siblings, my mother — and all who share in the first-gen experience — is

  • commuter students. Sixty percent of the funds will provide student scholarships. The remaining money will fund new support programs for these students. The goal is to eliminate disparities in graduation and retention rates between low-income students and their peers who study STEM subjects. Small-group mentoring with trained faculty will connect students with resources and experiences, including study groups, social events and professional development opportunities. The research will measure students

  • The university is concerned about students and their total physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  The university recognizes that a complex cluster of student and social issues surround the use of alcohol in society and that student views concerning its use vary widely.  The following policy has been established in recognition of Washington State law and out of desire to create a living/learning environment consistent with the university goals and mission.  Community members participating

  • environment was driven by hard-working parents who wanted us to have what they did not. And we did. Around the time I was graduating from PLU, my mom got to experience the first-gen feeling, too. She earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Montana. I may have had a bit of a chip on my shoulder as a young college student who faced challenges different than some of my peers at PLU, but the pride I have in myself, my siblings, my mother — and all who share in the first-gen

  • brochures, online banners) and sometimes joining a virtual meeting over Skype. Almost everything my fellow graphic designer and I create is translated to our local markets across Europe, Asia, and North America, so we work with a lot of local marketing managers across the world. When did you discover design? I don’t think there was ever an ‘A-ha!’ moment with design, or a moment I knew this is what I want to do with my life. I did design a few posters for Hinderlie Hall and took a graphic design class

  • fall 2021, and through the Wang Center’s Gateway Program, she traveled to Oaxaca in spring 2022. At Oxford, a class on forced migration and refugee studies spurred Jackie to apply for the Wang Center grant, and in Oaxaca, a literature course on United States-Mexico migration relations showed her another side of migration. They’re the kind of experiences Jackie might not have had without the benefit of a PLUS Year, a year of free tuition for undergraduates studying during COVID. “I used it to be

  • deposit to secure a spot in the class by May 1, they’ll receive a one-time $200 scholarship. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of filling out the FAFSA, however, we understand and share in the frustration, and we hope this post will offer you the resources necessary to make the process a bit smoother. Read Previous Hello from England! 🇬🇧 Read Next Winter adventures at PLU ❄️🏔️ LATEST POSTS 5 Tips for Writing a College Essay August 21, 2024 From an Expert: 10 Tips on How to Stand Out on Your

  • addition to this work, he will exhibit pieces relating to the figurative skill sets students may experience in his class. “The bulk of my career and development of an artist has been creating figurative works. Even now I take what time I can to draw and learn through working from the model”, Stasinos says. The third segment of Stasinos’ works is collaborative illustrations done for PLU anthropology professor, Bradford Andrews, which include a Market Scene for The Calixtlahuaca Archeological Research