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Parker Brocker-Knapp ’23 grew up in Portland, but Puget Sound never seemed far—thanks to close family ties to PLU. We sat down with Brocker-Knapp to learn more about how this senior made the most of his time at PLU. How did you choose PLU? I…
Family ties and academic pursuits: Parker Brocker-Knapp’s journey at PLU Posted by: mhines / May 19, 2023 Image: Parker Brocker-Knapp ’23 (PLU Photo / Emma Stafki). May 19, 2023 By Lora ShinnPLU Marketing & Communications Guest WriterParker Brocker-Knapp ’23 grew up in Portland, but Puget Sound never seemed far—thanks to close family ties to PLU. We sat down with Brocker-Knapp to learn more about how this senior made the most of his time at PLU.How did you choose PLU? I only entertained the
The polymer summer research experience (REU) program in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron is open to apply. This competitive REU program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Akron. Students will participate in an 9-week internship to…
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering Posted by: nicolacs / February 3, 2021 February 3, 2021 The polymer summer research experience (REU) program in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron is open to apply. This competitive REU program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Akron. Students will participate in an 9-week internship to investigate a fundamental question within
The PLU Day of Vocation is almost here! PLU Chemists are a big part of it this year! (i) Keynote: Michelle Long , ’85 PLU Regent and chemistry alumna, Tues 4/5, 7 – 8 p.m., Scandinavian Cultural Center Join PLU Regent and alumna Michelle Long…
Lute Chemists and the PLU Day of Vocation Apr 5th-6th Posted by: yakelina / April 5, 2016 April 5, 2016 The PLU Day of Vocation is almost here! PLU Chemists are a big part of it this year! (i) Keynote: Michelle Long, ’85 PLU Regent and chemistry alumna, Tues 4/5, 7 – 8 p.m., Scandinavian Cultural Center Join PLU Regent and alumna Michelle Long as she kicks off this year’s Day of Vocation with a talk that addresses the challenges of finding purpose in life. Michelle claims that experiences
This unique 2-year program was created purposefully to combine both environmental and green chemistry in order to train students to both evaluate and proactively address sustainability challenges. The program includes unique coursework in green chemistry, such as Design of Safer Chemicals, Green Industrial Chemistry and…
MS program in Environmental and Green Chemistry at George Washington University Posted by: alemanem / February 1, 2018 February 1, 2018 This unique 2-year program was created purposefully to combine both environmental and green chemistry in order to train students to both evaluate and proactively address sustainability challenges. The program includes unique coursework in green chemistry, such as Design of Safer Chemicals, Green Industrial Chemistry and Sustainable Energy, as well as a
TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 18, 2020) — If you’ve ever wondered whether leaders are born or made, the answer is both. At least it is when you’re referring to Pacific Lutheran University graduate Amy Spieker ’09. Growing up in a Navy family, Spieker moved her fair…
Amy Spieker ’09 on community health advocacy, service and building relationships Posted by: Marcom Web Team / February 25, 2020 February 25, 2020 By Lisa Patterson '98Marketing & Communications Guest Writer TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 18, 2020) — If you’ve ever wondered whether leaders are born or made, the answer is both. At least it is when you’re referring to Pacific Lutheran University graduate Amy Spieker ’09. Growing up in a Navy family, Spieker moved her fair share of times, and in doing so was
by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer Have you ever attempted to drive to a new restaurant at night with only a vague idea of where it was located? Trying to reach a destination without some necessary information can invoke feelings of anxiety and frustration. Students may…
Are we there yet? Guiding students with course goals and objectives Posted by: bodewedl / August 25, 2015 August 25, 2015 by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer Have you ever attempted to drive to a new restaurant at night with only a vague idea of where it was located? Trying to reach a destination without some necessary information can invoke feelings of anxiety and frustration. Students may feel the same way about reaching the objectives of your courses if they are at all unsure of where
Alina Boorse ’25 shares her experience as a first-year student and offers advice to future students.
Advice for first-year students: Create a study space and routine Posted by: vcraker / July 12, 2022 July 12, 2022 Alina Boorse ’25 shares her experience as a first-year student and offers advice to future students. Read Previous Advice for first-year students: Communicate with your professors Read Next PLU places second in National Science Foundation’s COVID-19 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Challenge. LATEST POSTS Get Involved: Austyn B. shares about being part of Clay Crows Improv Group
Before attending Pacific Lutheran University, Justyn Freeman ’23 served in the Air Force for six years. Now, he is a senior nursing major and will soon begin his residency at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma. Justyn is a current member of the Washington Air…
National Guard member and nursing major prioritizes service to his community Posted by: vcraker / April 7, 2022 Image: Justyn Freeman loads up meals to deliver to local families as part of the Delta Turkey Basket Drive. April 7, 2022 Before attending Pacific Lutheran University, Justyn Freeman ’23 served in the Air Force for six years. Now, he is a senior nursing major and will soon begin his residency at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma. Justyn is a current member of the Washington Air
Senior Allison Sheflo will graduate this spring with a triple major in geosciences , environmental studies and religion and a minor in mathematics . She forged her own trail at PLU, welcoming the adventures that piqued her curiosity and let that lead her way. “It’s…
PLU senior and triple major Allison Sheflo discusses her PLU experience Posted by: shortea / May 11, 2023 May 11, 2023 By Lisa PattersonPLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer Senior Allison Sheflo will graduate this spring with a triple major in geosciences, environmental studies and religion and a minor in mathematics. She forged her own trail at PLU, welcoming the adventures that piqued her curiosity and let that lead her way. “It’s definitely not the course I thought I would take
The REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 provides an exciting ten-week research experience in basic cellular and molecular biology. Students will perform cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell proliferation and differentiation, organelle function, and development.…
REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 Posted by: alemanem / January 4, 2024 January 4, 2024 The REU Site in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Sanford Research 2024 provides an exciting ten-week research experience in basic cellular and molecular biology. Students will perform cutting-edge research in diverse areas, such as signal transduction, intracellular trafficking, cell proliferation and differentiation, organelle function, and development. Students will also
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