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  • Public health concerns update Posted by: Student Life / August 23, 2022 August 23, 2022 Dear PLU Community, We are writing today to provide you with a follow up to the communication that you received on July 29, 2022. In that communication, we outlined fall protocols for both COVID-19 and MPX (previously referred to as Monkeypox). Now that more detailed information about risk mitigation for MPX has become available from the CDC, the Washington Department of Health (WADOH), and Tacoma–Pierce

  • back to campus for Homecoming and Family Weekend, October 14 – 16, a celebration for families, alumni and the campus community! Choir of the West will be celebrating 90 years during the weekend. Other special gatherings include reunion festivities for the Classes of 1956, 1966 and 1991. More Information Holocaust Conference Oct. 17-19 The ninth annual Powell-Heller Conference on Holocaust Education will focus on women in the Holocaust. The event was rescheduled from its original spring dates. More

  • Raechelle Baghirov ’05, shared their experiences in a panel discussion on paid service opportunities on Thursday, March 22. “The phrase ‘a life of service’ was thrown around a lot,” Baghirov said of her time at PLU. “It made you look at what you were learning and how it could be taken to a higher level. I may not have thought of it as ‘this is my wild hope component’ but it was.” Baghirov studied abroad in London during J-term her last year at PLU and knew she wanted to spend more time abroad. She

  • MBA Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat can you do with an MBA?An MBA gives a candidate the opportunity to grow in their chosen field.  This degree doesn’t prepare a student for a specific job.  It expands your professional possibilities in any field or industry.  With an MBA a student can take the passion they had for the subject they studied in their undergraduate degree and turn it into a career.  PLU MBA’s are leaders in their chosen field, innovators and can expect higher salaries than those

  • Thaddeus Golbeck, Senior Capstone Seminar Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases in our world with no certain cure found. Studies have found commonalities that many of the tumors show a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) near the site of the tumor. Various synthetic methods such as a step-by-step reaction, automated solid-phase, and chemoselective combined with a one-pot synthesis have been developed to synthesize hyaluronic acid. Synthesized hyaluronic acid immobilized to

  • Major Minute: Sergia Hay on Philosophy Posted by: vcraker / August 18, 2021 August 18, 2021 Undergraduate study in philosophy is fundamental in pursuing the most important questions regarding one’s understanding of themselves, others and the world in which they live. Hear from associate professor of philosophy Sergia Hay shares as she explains why now is a great time to study philosophy. Read Previous Major Minute: Paul Sutton on Education Read Next Q & A with ASPLU Environmental Justice

  • in a specific area of nursing, develop strategies for improvement in nursing practice, learn to use cutting-edge systems technology or assume leadership roles to design and implement health care policy. We understand that pursuing your doctorate degree may seem financially overwhelming but completing your degree now could open doors to higher paying positions. We would like to help make this opportunity a reality for you. With the “Build Your Career Scholarship”, you will find it more affordable

  • experience as humbling, enlightening, and a privilege to experience. Luke currently works for IREACH (Initiative for Research and Education to Advance Community Health), a division of Washington State University, where he is a Research Study Assistant for three research studies that pertain to community health within American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Pacific Islander communities. He aspires to get a Master’s Degree in Global Health or International Development. At PLU, Luke majored in Environmental

  • Alumni StoriesStudying the Holocaust and related themes is often a hallmark of the PLU learning experience. These alumni updates describe the long-term impact of attending the Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference, taking classes with HGST themes, and traveling to Europe to learn Holocaust history first hand.Ian McMichael, ’13 German Languages & Literature Major, Religion and Hispanic Studies MinorsIan is serving a 2nd year with Teach For America at Little Wound High School on the Pine

  • Alumni StoriesStudying the Holocaust and related themes is often a hallmark of the PLU learning experience. These alumni updates describe the long-term impact of attending the Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference, taking classes with HGST themes, and traveling to Europe to learn Holocaust history first hand.Ian McMichael, ’13 German Languages & Literature Major, Religion and Hispanic Studies MinorsIan is serving a 2nd year with Teach For America at Little Wound High School on the Pine