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  • Medications, eyeglasses, etc. Residence Hall Emergency ResourcesWhile Residential Life has trained student and professional staff living in the residence halls, it is important that each resident take advantage of available university resources and be aware of their personal responsibility should an emergency occur. Know what to do when you hear an Evacuation Alarm. The general direction is to go to the nearest side stairwell (emergency personnel use the center stairs), exit the building, and proceed to

  • ExhibitionsThe Scandinavian Cultural Center has three exhibition galleries: Hildahl Gallery: Our main exhibition space inside the Scandinavian Cultural Center. It consists of 6 bays equipped with special lighting, a flexible mounting system, security, and custom display cases. Larson Gallery: Always on view to the public as it is located in the hallway entrance to the Scandinavian Cultural Center. It consists of 5 custom-made, locked display cabinets. Stuen Room: An intimate gallery space where

  • Helping one bowl at a time Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / November 4, 2016 Image: on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) November 4, 2016 By Elizabeth Perkins '17Student Coordinator Pacific Lutheran University’s Department of Art & Design and Hospitality Services & Campus Restaurants are helping raise money for the hungry, one bowl at a time. PLU’s annual Empty Bowls event will be on Tuesday, November 15, from 4-6 p.m. in the Anderson University Center. The event, which is part

  • Director for the University of Namibia. The PLU campus visit for the Namibian delegation was arranged by the Wang Center for Global Education at PLU. The dignitaries joining Tjiramba included the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Namibia, Dr. Lazarus Hangula; Dr. Kenneth Mantengu, Director of External Relations for the University of Namibia; and Dr. Alfons Wabahe Mosimane, Head of the Life Sciences Division at the University of Namibia. The Namibian delegation met with several PLU representatives

  • Douglas E. Oakman Professor Emeritus Email: Website: Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Personal Additional Titles/Roles Small Groups Leader for Campus Ministry Education Ph.D., Bible, New Testament, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley , CA, 1986 M.Div., Christ Seminary - Seminex, St. Louis, MO, 1979 B.A. with Honors, Religion, University of Iowa, 1975 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Hebrew Bible New Testament History of the

  • T.O.H. Karl Forensics Forum Alumni and Friends, The 2014-2015 academic year represents a year of new beginnings and successes for the Pacific Lutheran University Debate Team. We increased debate and discourse both at PLU and in the Northwest region, completing the second annual Ruth Anderson Public Debate and reviving the T.O.H. Karl Tournament. More than 46 Lutes participated in debate tournaments throughout the year as part of the PLU Debate Team. Director of Forensics Justin Eckstein led the

  • serves as a coordinator of Lutheran Community Services Northwest’s refugee resettlement program. “Looking back at my four years at PLU, it all makes sense,” Wright says. “I’m really grateful for my PLU experience because I feel like it truly did prepare me for the work I do now that is rooted in social justice and community.” Wright will be returning to PLU this week for the 9th Biennial Wang Center Symposium. He and four other alumni will discuss “Conflict, Peacebuilding, and the Ethics of Discourse

  • this included the annual Raul Hilberg Lecture at the University of Vermont, where Hilberg spent his entire career. Bob’s talk, based on his recent book, Complicity in the Holocaust, will be published as an “occasional paper” by the Center for Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont. In July Bob helped organize a conference at the University of British Columbia, honoring John Conway, Professor Emeritus at UBC, for his fifty-year career as well as for his role in founding an online journal

  • Alumni News Homecoming 2015 Alumni Awards & Recognition dCenter Alumni Weekend Outcomes Campaign Alumni Profiles Class Notes Submit a Class Note Calendar Home Archive by category Faculty Discovery Now he’s one of thousands of teachers—from PLU itself to Argentina, Europe,... April 21, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University's flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Features On Campus Discovery

  • Alumni News Homecoming 2015 Alumni Awards & Recognition dCenter Alumni Weekend Outcomes Campaign Alumni Profiles Class Notes Submit a Class Note Calendar Home Archive by category Students Discovery Now he’s one of thousands of teachers—from PLU itself to Argentina, Europe,... April 21, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University's flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Features On Campus Discovery