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  • Elliott Cobbs, contacted PLU’s Choir of the West Conductor Richard Nance in Spring 2012 about doing a collaborative performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. “Paul had heard about the quality of our choral program, and approached me about putting together the choir. I have long been interested in our choirs performing a work with the youth symphony–sort of a ‘music as a life-long vocation’ project,” Nance said. After the dates were set with the Tacoma Youth Symphony and Everett Philharmonic Orchestra

  • illustrate how existentialism connects to other areas such as religion, psychology and literature. (4) PHIL 248 : Innovation, Ethics, & Society - ES A history of innovation, problem solving, and creativity in the global economy, emphasizing the ethical considerations that arise as a result of new products and initiatives, disruptive technologies, globalization, and cultural change. Draws attention to stages in the innovation process and the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and design. (4

  • Cyber Risk Management Recent events have magnified the ever increasing risk of using the Internet for daily operations. In terms of severity of consequences, cyber risk is now on par with (if not exceeds) other major business risks. This course will teach you how to manage cyber as the dynamic business risk it has become rather than the static technological one it has been historically.Topics will include: The importance and role of cyber risk management within a business Why cyber must be

  • PLU Cyber Safety NoticesBelow are some of the email notices about cyber safety sent to the PLU community by Information & Technology Services.History of Campus-Wide NoticesEmail sent to students February 4, 2009:From: Information & Technology Services Subject: Email Phishing Scam Alert! From time to time you are likely to receive email messages asking for your PLU email account password. These messages claim to have been sent from a PLU tech support address, but they are in

  • Kinesiology. Use writing, verbal expression, movement and technology to communicate disciplinary knowledge and expertise such as: terminology, theories, principles, applications and practices. Demonstrate basic movement competence as it relates to physical activity, fitness and sport. Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Learning OutcomesA graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology program will: Explain foundational disciplinary content such as: terminology, theories, principles, applications, and

  • systemic oppression, specifically in the health care system. I am passionate about the intersections of identity and its impact on how we each experience the world. I am so thankful for the opportunity to pursue higher education and my tribe of professors, friends, and most importantly, my family, who supported me throughout this chapter! Thadeus Smith “The Rhetorical Effect of Identity-Based Arguments: Kritikal Debate in High School Competition” Abstract: In this study, I examine the rhetorical effect

  • of a community at PLU that cares about each other and everyone’s ideas.I love IHON so much and am grateful for the relationships I have formed within it.The IHON program to me is what Higher Lutheran Education is and lives out the PLU mission statement. IHON professors were asked “What are your priorities in an IHON class?” Here’s how they answered: Fostering the joy of intellectual community.Stimulating intellectual curiosity and openness.Promoting open-ended ‘inquiry’ — the kind of inquiry

  • , for investment in technology for mental health counselors to provide care to students virtually.  Prior to the pandemic, 30 percent of PLU students sought mental health services. Now that we’re 11 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the Washington Department of Health is predicting an increased risk of depression and hopelessness for the remainder of 2020 and into early 2021. In September, PLU received its second Pierce County Connected grant, this time for assistance with its mental health

  • background and we partner with those who are more in the limelight, so it was a different experience for me to be recognized in that way,” Loomis said. “I felt very, very honored to receive something like that.” Master of Business AdministrationThe MBA program offers high-caliber, flexible studies with an intentional focus on globalization and innovation. Loomis spent the past 15 years with MultiCare, the largest community-based, locally governed health system in Washington state. The nonprofit also is

  • . “CFOs are generally more in the background and we partner with those who are more in the limelight, so it was a different experience for me to be recognized in that way,” Loomis said. “I felt very, very honored to receive something like that.” Master of Business AdministrationThe MBA program offers high-caliber, flexible studies with an intentional focus on globalization and innovation. Loomis spent the past 15 years with MultiCare, the largest community-based, locally governed health system in