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  • teaching Caribbean literature and history.  Altogether, we have 34 students, plus staff assistance from PLU Head Baker Erica Fickeisen for the first week; Dr. Miller’s Assistant, Julie Paulsen, for the second week; and PLU Director of Dining and Culinary Services Erin McGinnis for the third week.  Most of our class time is spent in separate classrooms in the conference center of the ship, but we gather both classes the night before each new port of call for “Port Reports”:  the literature students

  • at HomecomingEndowed by the class of 1958, these events bring alumni back to campus to talk about vocation with current students. A different academic division is celebrated each year. At the Meant to Live lecture, a distinguished alumnus returns to campus to describe their vocational journey to fellow alums, current PLU students and friends of the University. These events give alumni the chance to mentor current students, and help students begin to think of vocational exploration as a lifelong

  • Commencement 2018: Lutes wrap up the lasts, look to the firsts as they prepare for life after graduation TACOMA, WASH. (May 22, 2018) — It’s official. The Class of 2018 at Pacific Lutheran University is wrapping up the final list of “lasts.” There are the lasts that students (soon to be alumni) are likely happy to bid farewell: the last final, the last… May 22, 2018 Alumni, Internships, CareerEvents, Performances, AthleticsStudent Life, Resources, Community

  • On the Court and in the Classroom: A Brother and Sister Find Success at PLU On the day of high school class choices, a middle school teacher noticed the normally outgoing Jackson Reisner sitting quietly, acting withdrawn. Jackson grew increasingly anxious as the morning progressed. A movie buff, the Burlington eighth grader had seen all the difficult depictions of high… February 24, 2023 Student Life, Resources, Community

  • Olympian and advocate Elana Meyers Taylor to deliver PLU Commencement address Pacific Lutheran University will welcome Elana Meyers Taylor to the Tacoma Dome on Saturday, May 27 to deliver a Commencement address to the university’s graduating class. Meyers Taylor will share reflections inspired by her historic career as the most decorated Black athlete in Winter Olympics… April 25, 2023 Events, Performances, Athletics

  • /xResearch_DesktopApp.git 2:45pm StudyHub: Social Networking for Students Chris Caudill (BA/Chinese Stu), Holden Gjuka (BS) StudyHub is a social app aimed at creating opportunities for students to study together and network. It recommends other students to study with based on their interests, and once they connect they can send messages to get to know one another. Using Dart-based Flutter for the UI and Google’s Firebase for many under-the-hood functions, the application has a screen for browsing the profiles of other

  • United States and, to add complexity to an already green and overwhelmed boy, I was transitioning in the aftermath of Sept. 11. That moment effectively served as my principle moment of ¨culture shock¨ during my study away experience at PLU. London led me to Valencia, Spain, following graduation, which led me to a job with the American Red Cross and a volunteer position with the World Affairs Council of Seattle. These experiences eventually guided me to India as a consultant on corporate social

  • sabbatical plans? The project that I proposed and received approval for research is the history of a musical instrument in my possession. It’s a 7′ grand piano made by the Henry F. Miller Company of Boston in 1910. Miller made instruments at that time of a very high quality. The maker’s intention was to compete with the finest artist pianos of the day, especially Steinway. This piano would have been an expensive instrument at the time, not likely to have been found in the average working or middle class

  • types of classroom activities occurring in a science classroom. This tool can quickly and inexpensively measure the extent to which students are asked to work in groups, think independently, and actively engage in the learning process during class time. DART can take classroom recordings and with ~90% accuracy identify if and when a single voice (e.g., lecture), multiple voices (e.g., small group work), or no voices (e.g., silent thinking or writing) are occurring throughout a class session. PLU

  • ), rehearses Monday thru Thursday, 3:40-5:10 PM. Conducted by Dr. Brian Galante. University Chorale, a mixed chorus of 40-50 members (primarily freshmen and sophomores), also rehearses Monday thru Thursday, 3:40-5:10 PM. Conducted by Dr. Raul Dominguez. University Singers, our soprano-alto chorus from all class ranks, meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1:45-3:15 PM. Conducted by Dr. Raul Dominguez. Knights Chorus, our tenor-bass chorus from all class ranks, rehearses Tuesday and Thursday, 1:45-3:15 PM