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  • integrating practical performance psychology applications in a variety of professional settings. Scope of professional capabilities, education and training and how those variables impact ethical professional practice will be explored. (4) KINS 591 : Independent Study To provide individual graduate students with advanced study not available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as "IS:" followed by the specific title designated by the student. Prerequisite

  • Peterson, ’75 all told of seeing compassion, generosity, dedication and service in the countries where they worked as nurses after they left PLU to pursue their careers in nursing. Here are some of their stories: Helen Holt ‘97, an advanced registered nurse practitioner, said she was faced with supporting her family as a single parent in her 40s, when she decided to return to college and get her degree. “I had four kids at home and no child support,” Holt told the audience. She received her master’s

  • Psychology Morals, Values, and Beliefs Accolades Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship, 2023-2024 Biography My research explores how social motives and beliefs (e.g., religious, existential, or social beliefs) influence perceptions of threats and opportunities regarding others in our social environment. My research largely focuses on how such beliefs influence stereotyping and prejudice toward a wide range of groups, including atheists, immigrants, LGBT, and Muslims. My other research

  • Psychology Morals, Values, and Beliefs Accolades Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship, 2023-2024 Biography My research explores how social motives and beliefs (e.g., religious, existential, or social beliefs) influence perceptions of threats and opportunities regarding others in our social environment. My research largely focuses on how such beliefs influence stereotyping and prejudice toward a wide range of groups, including atheists, immigrants, LGBT, and Muslims. My other research

  • the principals and staff of the firm with her integrity, follow-through and dedication to quality; in the meantime, she discovered her passion for finance. After graduating with a PLU Business Administration degree, she was offered a position at Summit as a financial assistant and advanced quickly to become director of operations—and, in full-circle fashion— to assume responsibility for leading Summit’s internship program. Hill is life- and health-insurance-licensed in Washington and Montana, is a

  • Phase Behaviors of Asymmetric Core-Shell Bottlebrush Polymers Emily M. Ness, Senior Capstone Seminar Block polymers, which include two or more chemically different segments, are of substantial technological interest due to their ability to self-assemble into various microphase separated  morphologies with tunable microdomain sizes.  Diblock and triblock copolymers are of particular  interest in nanolithography for the manufacture of advanced microelectronics, due to their potential to access sub-14

  • at the research site (e.g., hospital or health care agency).What is QI?QI generally refers to a range of activities used to assess, analyze, critique, and improve current processes of health care delivery in an institutional setting. QI activities are typically observational and unobtrusive and can involve the collection and analysis of data to which investigators have legitimate access through their institutional roles. These activities do not prevent or hinder delivery of clinically-indicated

  • research site (e.g., hospital or health care agency).What is QI?QI generally refers to a range of activities used to assess, analyze, critique, and improve current processes of health care delivery in an institutional setting. QI activities are typically observational and unobtrusive and can involve the collection and analysis of data to which investigators have legitimate access through their institutional roles. These activities do not prevent or hinder delivery of clinically-indicated care to

  • research site (e.g., hospital).What is QI?QI generally refers to a range of activities used to assess, analyze, critique, and improve current processes of health care delivery in an institutional setting. QI activities are typically observational and unobtrusive and can involve the collection and analysis of data to which investigators have legitimate access through their institutional roles. These activities do not prevent or hinder delivery of clinically-indicated care to patients, nor do they impose

  • BackWhat is QI and does it need to be reviewed by the PLU HPRB?QI does not meet the definition of “human subjects research,” according to federal guidelines. Instead, QI generally refers to a range of activities used to assess, analyze, critique, and improve current processes of health care delivery in an institutional setting. QI activities are typically observational and unobtrusive and can involve the collection and analysis of data to which investigators have legitimate access through their