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  • ; the second-place award will be $250. Essays should reflect Raphael Lemkin’s ideals and concerns to include such topics as the concept and definition of genocide, ethical and legal aspects of genocide and international law, prevention of genocide and enforcement of the genocide convention, historical incidents of genocide, current events and the issue of genocide or other appropriate essay topics discussed and negotiated between contestants and the faculty review committee prior to the final

  • , 1990 Books John Moschos’ Spiritual Meadow: Authority and Autonomy at the End of the Antique World (Ashgate 2014) : View Book They Who Give From Evil”: the Response of the Eastern Church to Money-lending in the Early Christian Era (Wipf & Stock 2012) : View Book Biography Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen teaches courses in the history of early and medieval Christianity, and specific topics in historical theology and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. She also teaches in the International Honors program. Her

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  • , 1990 Books John Moschos’ Spiritual Meadow: Authority and Autonomy at the End of the Antique World (Ashgate 2014) : View Book They Who Give From Evil”: the Response of the Eastern Church to Money-lending in the Early Christian Era (Wipf & Stock 2012) : View Book Biography Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen teaches courses in the history of early and medieval Christianity, and specific topics in historical theology and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. She also teaches in the International Honors program. Her

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  • examinations of anti-gay ballot measures in the 1970s, racism in the military in World War II, and feminist voices in popular literature in the post-WWII decades. She is actively involved in interdisciplinary programs and fields of study, including Women’s Studies and Peace Studies, and has participated in research and projects that center on the importance of historical thinking in interdisciplinary contexts. Recent publications by Beth Kraig include articles on Grace Jones and Cynthia McKinney in the

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  • David Ulleland was killed in a tragic job-related accident on August 3, 1968. David was regarded as quiet, bright, and well-organized, and a serious student and Lutheran. He loved baseball, track, and cross-country track. Out of fondness and appreciation for Lowell Anderson, the Ulleland family generously funded the remainder of his education at PLU. After graduating from PLU in 1971, and after completing medical school, Dr. Lowell Anderson now is a practicing orthopedic surgeon in Montana.  In 1987

  • David Ulleland was killed in a tragic job-related accident on August 3, 1968. David was regarded as quiet, bright, and well-organized, and a serious student and Lutheran. He loved baseball, track, and cross-country track. Out of fondness and appreciation for Lowell Anderson, the Ulleland family generously funded the remainder of his education at PLU. After graduating from PLU in 1971, and after completing medical school, Dr. Lowell Anderson now is a practicing orthopedic surgeon in Montana.  In 1987

  • policy.Quick Links for UAS/Drone Policy PLU UAS/Drone Policy PLU Drone Use Approval Process PLU Drone Use Application PLU Privacy PolicyPolicy Definitions: Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS): Any remotely operated or controlled aircraft intended to fly within the National Airspace System. Includes devices commonly referred to as drones. FAA regulations apply to all types of UAS regardless of weight or size. University Property: Buildings, grounds, and land that are owned by Pacific Lutheran University, or

  • Know, Ask, Tell     Help Prevent Suicide on Your Campus How You Can Help As many as half of all college students suffer from depression at some point during their university career. Some of these students may feel so overwhelmed or hopeless that they will consider taking their own lives.The Facts50% of college students experience depression at some point during their college career. 10% of college students seriously consider committing suicide.By knowing the warning signs that someone is

    Suicide Prevention
    Counseling, Health and Wellness Services Anderson University Center, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98447
  • of a cultural matrix that brought into being desires–for travel, for commodities, for lifestyles–that are unsustainable in the face of our current environmental crises (The Great Derangement 2016). Ghosh’s decision to single out Austen from among her contemporaries is one more manifestation of her staying power, of her grasp on our literary consciousness. We want to take his statement seriously and trouble it as well. In particular, we hope to highlight how Ghosh’s claim about how Austen’s era

  • ,” he said. “They’re a dedicated group and a special group—AP classes are more demanding than typical high-school courses, so it’s like working with another faculty member when it comes to their professionalism and dedication.” Swank has more than a little experience with those traits himself. He began his PLU career as an assistant professor of Chemistry in 1970, then served as chair of the Chemistry Department (twice), Dean of Natural Sciences, director of Interdisciplinary Studies and Chair of