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  • These mobile device and remote storage policies apply to any external or portable media (e.g. external hard drives, laptop computers, thumb/flash drives, smartphones, tablets, etc.) on which university data is stored or transported. They also apply to any cloud or hosted service (e.g. Google Apps for Education, PeopleAdmin) in which university data is used or stored. 3.7.1 Mobile Devices All mobile devices, whether university- or personally-owned, must be used in compliance with PLU policies

  • (WISHES) was administered to all PLU students for the first time in September 2023. This survey “provides colleges and universities with timely and actionable data to adapt and improve institutional norms, structures, and processes, to enable all students to thrive and flourish.”  2,737 invitations were sent out to all of our undergraduate and graduate students. We received 342 responses, or about 12.5%. We’ve summarized the results in the following document: PLU WISHES Survey: Fall 2023      

  • eligibility for tenure. Upon recommendation of a school or department and the approval of the president and the Board of Regents, an administrator may be assigned faculty rank within the school or department. Such an appointment to faculty rank and subsequent retention, promotion, or tenure shall be subject to normal procedures for evaluation of a candidate’s academic qualification. The terms and conditions of every appointment shall be stated in writing and be in the possession of both institution and

  • The curriculum prepares students to pursue careers in research and the health sciences or to apply their biology interests to careers as diverse as science education and public health.

    Studying biology teaches you how to think and how to observe your world.To learn biology is more than just learning facts! It’s learning how to answer questions, how to develop strategies to obtain answers and how to recognize the answers as they emerge. The department is dedicated to encouraging students to learn science in both an intuitive and logical way.It encourages students to independently question, probe, experiment and experience the natural world around us as well as life under a

    Department of Biology
    Rieke Science Center, Room 159 Tacoma, WA 98447
  • create offensive working or learning environments, and compliance with privacy and security policies. Responsible use of technology with community needs in mind includes recognition that strong network security and performance begins with one’s own behavior. Examples of unacceptable behavior with respect to network security include but are not limited to spreading viruses or causing disruptions on the network unauthorized access to or knowing use of restricted or personal computers, data, or programs

  • 253.535.7699 (Economics and Sociology & Criminal Justice) 253.535.7400 (Mathematics and Psychology) Statistics (STAT), a branch of applied mathematics, studies the methodology for the collection and analysis of data and the use of data to make inferences under conditions of uncertainty. Statistics plays a fundamental role in the social and natural sciences, as well as in business, industry, and government.The Statistics program is offered cooperatively by the Departments of Economics

  • Restaurants: If you have special dietary requirements or preferences – for health, medical, allergy, religious, ethical, or lifestyle reasons – we are dedicated to assisting you to the best of our ability. Campus Restaurants staff members work closely with PLU’s Office of Accessibility and Accommodation to provide appropriate menus for students with dietary restrictions. To help you make healthy food choices at PLU, The Commons marks menu items with the 9 major allergens, as well as vegan or vegetarian

  • Mortvedt Library materials for HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR RESTORATION AND RENEWAL symposium Posted by: Holly Senn / February 16, 2022 February 16, 2022 Below are links to Mortvedt Library or open web materials by panelists and PLU faculty participating in the Wang Center 2022 symposium, HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR RESTORATION AND RENEWAL. Article: Healing, a Concept Analysis Firth, K., Smith, K., Sakallaris, B. R., Bellanti, D. M., Crawford, C., & Avant, K. C. (2015). Healing, a Concept Analysis. Global

  • Within the environmental studies curriculum at PLU, the social sciences provide perspectives on the environment from a human point of view, balancing the ecological perspectives contributed by the

    A Study of the Environment, Connectivity, and the World Around UsPacific Lutheran University sits upon the traditional lands of the Nisqually, Puyallup, Squaxin Island, and Steilacoom peoples; we acknowledge and respect the traditional caretakers of this land.Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the relationships between humans and the environment. Managing the environment requires interdisciplinary tools and knowledge about natural systems, human institutions

    Environmental Studies
    Rieke Science Center Room 158 Tacoma, WA 98447
  • and with the Associated Students of PLU (ASPLU). We sat down with Tugade to learn more about his PLU experience. Tell me about your sociology capstone.  My capstone is on financial aid in higher education. I am looking at how graduating students are affected by different demographic and financial factors, using a PLU dataset from 2010 to 2023.  What is your hope for this research? I am going to make a big ol’ presentation. Hopefully, it will be for Student Financial Services or even a retention