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  • electrical work. Metallic tapes or metallic rules must not be used near electrical 2.3 Tool Storage Tools temporarily stored or laid aside on the job must be placed so as not to create a stumbling or falling hazard. They may not be left on ladders or in traffic areas. Tools with sharp edges must be covered or stored in such a way as to guard against a cutting hazard. Particular care must be used when working in an elevated position. Tools must not be left unsecured, but should be kept in containers

  • . Shred Educational Policies Committee To study problems and to make recommendations relative to all areas of academic policy, including the regular semester, January term, summer school, graduate division, and continuing education programs. Official Copy: Provost Office Retention: 5 years. Transfer to University Archives Other Copies: Any member of the committee Retention: 3 years. Shred Faculty Affairs Committee To study problems, recommend policy, and facilitate appropriate action in matters

  • with the larger university community. I had made several attempts to do so but to no avail. I shared that desire with a faculty member in the Sociology Department, Dan Renfrow. Dan is no longer teaching at PLU, and I am sure has no idea the chain of events he put in motion by suggesting that I contact the Women’s Center about potential volunteer opportunities. I met with the Director at that time, Bobbi Hughes, and after asking me about my experience and my interest in the Center, she shared her

  • . “A lot of first-gens are just self sufficient in many ways when it matters,” Belton said. “You have to have some level of independence. Teaching yourself how to do things despite nobody showing you how.” Belton gained a lot of independence even before coming to college: he worked countless jobs in orchards, raised pigs, stocked shelves at a local grocery store, babysat neighbors. He even did his parents’ taxes from the time he was 13, since neither of them graduated high school. What advice do

  • Chapter 296-874, WACWAC 296-874-100: ScopeThis chapter applies to suspended and supported scaffolds,

  • potential to impact friendships/perceptions, etc. As a member of the straight community I was called to share my privilege and advocate for others. Christine Hiller-Claridge ‘07: I do not recall any significant challenges during my few years at PLU. I know we pushed the envelope by beginning Drag Shows, expanding programs that dealt with gender identity/expression and continuing brown bag discussions. With any club, attendance and membership are always areas to improve on. That was one of our goals: How

  • your ExperienceConsider the following areas when thinking of ways to make the most of your study away experience! Goal Setting Why does goal setting matter? Growth and development can be enhanced and more easily recognized by setting goals for oneself. Consider your goals in terms of personal, professional, and academic. If you’re unsure which professional goals you may consider, review the top career competencies published by NACE. Ask yourself, “which competencies could I improve upon and/or

  • University’s assets. (e) Concern for the welfare and development of the leaders, officers and staff of the University. (f) Concern for the welfare and development of the faculty, and an appreciation for their work of teaching, scholarship and leadership as central to the mission of the University. (g) Concern for the health, activities, living conditions, and general physical, educational, and spiritual welfare of the students. (h) Willingness and ability to attend and participate in regular meetings of