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  • : Bachelor in Music Composition “Since graduation, I’ve moved to Ohio to start graduate school. I am currently at Bowling Green State University, where I have started my Master’s in music composition. Besides my own studies, as a teaching assistant I’ve started working with nearly 130 students in a couple world music classes. School has just begun and I’m starting to get busy, but everything is going well so far!” Jenny Kimura ’17: BFA Studio Arts, Minor in Printing and Publishing Arts, Minor in Latin

  • head lamps and the boots of their fellow travelers ahead of them. “One step at a time,” Leu said. “There are a lot of things you can do. The guides always told us ‘Only think about today. Don’t worry about tomorrow.'” But the pace isn’t only necessary, Markuson said, it’s worth it. “It’s like walking on the moon,” said McCracken, a global studies and anthropology double major. Anthony Markuson ’13 Major: biology Hometown: Chester, Mont. Study away: Botswana – working on community health What’s next

  • the skull and the DNA, that this is a different species.” Their discovery was recently published in the Journal of Mammalogy, a renowned scientific outlet for studies on the biology of mammals. In it, the international team of scientists from Ecuador and the U.S. described a new species found in the cloud forests of Sangay National Park and clarified the family tree of this group. Reed Ojala-Barbour ’11. (Photo by John Froschauer) The new species of shrew-opossum, Caenolestes sangay, looks like a

  • City of Tacoma environmental scientist Tom Chontofalsky ‘03 loves asking questions From an early age, Tom Chontofalsky ‘03 always thought he’d be a wildlife biologist. He’d pore over issues of National Geographic and One World magazines his dad purchased, studying photos and text of exotic animals. Chontofalsky is now an environmental scientist with the City of… June 27, 2022 BiologyEnvironmental Studies

  • , behavioral health, public health, or a related scientific field and currently enrolled (or will be enrolled) in an undergraduate, community, or technical college program. Ideal candidates will be interested in pursuing medical or graduate studies in a biomedical or public health field. Students will participate in authentic basic science, or clinical/translational research projects under the mentorship of experienced researchers and principal investigators. The program also includes professional

  • , behavioral health, public health, or a related scientific field and currently enrolled (or will be enrolled) in an undergraduate, community, or technical college program. Ideal candidates will be interested in pursuing medical or graduate studies in a biomedical or public health field. Students will participate in authentic basic science, or clinical/translational research projects under the mentorship of experienced researchers and principal investigators. The program also includes professional

  • English Proficiency RequirementsProficiency in English is required for undergraduate and graduate study at Pacific Lutheran University. Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency. Proficiency can be demonstrated in multiple ways, such as through official English test scores or by completing secondary school in certain countries and where English is the medium of instruction. See below for all of the methods to demonstrate English

  • curiosity, keep them on track for graduation and prepare for post-graduate plans. Subject areas include African-American Studies, Architecture, Biochemistry and Biology, Economics, Film, Mathematics, Human Rights and International Affairs, Journalism, Psychology, Slavic Languages and Literature, Spanish, Sustainable Development and many others. Additionally, Columbia Summer offers subject-specific programs and certifications, including: Arts in the Summer Business Certifications of Professional

  • PLU’s Director of Jazz Studies, Cassio Vianna, receives grant from the City of Tacoma to write and perform genre-bending composition Pacific Lutheran University’s own Cassio Vianna , Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Jazz Studies , has been awarded a grant from the City of Tacoma. This grant, part of the Tacoma Artists Initiative Program (TAIP) , encourages artistic engagement in the city by… April 18, 2024 FacultyMusic

  • Tristan Pearson ’24 Videography Lead he/him Biography Biography Tristan is a third-year student, working toward a BA in Communications with a concentration in Film and Media studies and Minor in Computer Science. This year, he is leading the team for the Auburn Symphony Orchestra and acting as the MediaLab Video Lead.