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  • indicate on the Event Planning Form if minors will be physically present and participating. If minors are physically present and participating in activities (1) on the PLU campus, or (2) in activities that are under the authority or direction of the student organization (regardless of location), the organization will need to complete a number of additional steps as outlined below. Events/activities will be reviewed and approved by Student Engagement and the Director of Risk Management and Insurance

  • dying and grieving in a uniquely close way. They will share the struggles they witnessed and experienced in lieu of the pandemic as well as reflect on insights or lessons learned from their roles in relation to Covid patients in this uniquely difficult time. These bedside practitioners will lead us in examining the vocation of caregiving during these times and may speak to the role of faith or spirituality for the dying and their families. Speakers include representative leaders from Christianity

  • Sports and Recreation” (March 2010). In non-symposium years, the Wang Center hosts on-campus “World Conversation” events which highlight the global learning of students and faculty, and brings to campus what they have learned through study away and research around the world. The first of these World Conversations took place in 2007 following PLU being nationally recognized as the first U.S. university to have students studying simultaneously on all seven continents. This occurred in January term 2006

  • vocation intern and Wild Hope Fellow. He has found ways to use his interest and expertise in vocation and philosophy to inspire his peers through his vocation drop-in hours, which he hosts every Monday from 5:30-7:30 pm. Etzell became involved in Wild Hope during his junior year after being recommended for the Wild Hope Fellows Program. He applied out of curiosity, and learned quickly that the Fellowship is for people who value reflection, curiosity, and wonder. “We work together to learn more about

  • they liked and disliked about how Sakai was used in their courses. All students interviewed said they had taken courses where some tools on the Sakai site menu were not used. They described their frustration as a scavenger hunt where they clicked on the tool menu item but found a dead end with no content, wondering why the tool was even there or if they had missed something. When you create your Sakai site, it includes a default set of commonly used tools that appear in the left menu. But you can

  • their world view 89% Said studying abroad enabled them to better tolerate ambiguity The study confirms that studying abroad makes a difference — a long-lasting difference — in the lives of its participants, and results demonstrate the far reaching affects the experience has on participants, not only academically but professionally and personally as well. Findings show that students who study away find a job faster, get paid more, and find a job more aligned with their interests.Study Away at

  • Two Anniversaries, One World Premiere Posted by: Reesa Nelson / October 5, 2022 October 5, 2022 Music Professor Emeritus Jerry Kracht (conductor, University Symphony Orchestra, 1967-2001) was ready and waiting to celebrate two significant anniversaries in the Department of Music at PLU: ready since 2013 when he composed Fanfare, Fantasia and Finale (On a locally familiar tune), and waiting until 2020, the fiftieth anniversary of Lawrence Meyer’s Processional of Joy as well as the twenty-fifth

  • RN/B Pathway to the MSNThis program is currently on hiatus. Schedule: Our RN/B – MSN program is designed for the working nurse, with most students working a 0.5-0.8 FTE while enrolled in this traditional, on-campus program. Classes have generally been held Thursday evenings and all day Fridays, plus additional hours for practicums. The exception to this has been summer and J-Term courses as days and times vary. The Thursday/Friday schedule is subject to change from one year to the next, and

  • achievements, though, must be taken from more than his specific awards.  Peering more closely, one sees the truly remarkable character of his life: wildly adventurous, yet so determined, persistent, and practical that real things come from his adventures. His character is perhaps most obvious in his writing.  Three books – Wild Echoes: Encounters with the Most Endangered Animals… (1996), Orion’s Legacy: …Man as Hunter (1996), and Red Delta: Fighting for Life at the End of the Colorado River (2002

  • specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) EDUC 391 : Foundations of Learning Investigation into theories of learning and development and into historical and current practices, values, and beliefs that influence efforts to shape learning in educational settings. Topics include: self as learner, theories of learning, others as learners, exceptionalities, technology, values literacy, and factors influencing learning and literacy. Limited to music and health and fitness education majors