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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 20, 2015)- Thomas Kim ‘15 is passionate about “Justice.” So passionate, in fact, that he likes to really emphasize the word by treating it as a proper noun. His passion doesn’t include just capitalizing Js, however: he’s walking his talk (and type)…

    able to find a skilled and affordable attorney during my first few years in the states made me realize something: the skilled weren’t affordable, and the affordable weren’t skilled. So, despite my circumstance, I decided I would go and get a J.D. myself to become an effective attorney for the poor and the legally weak. How is it going? It is a dream come true and I feel like I’m floating on grace every day! The Juris Doctorate program is very rigorous, though. I’m reading about 8 hours a day, just

  • Keven Drews’ doctor told him he was out of options in his longtime fight for his life. So, he launched a crowdfunding campaign to earn $500,000 for a clinical trial at Fred Hutchinson Cancer

    Keven Drews ’16 Keven Drews ’16 1024 427 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 January 13, 2018 February 6, 2018 “You have to raise $500,000 or you’re going to die.” In so many words, that’s what Keven Drews ’16 says his doctor told him over the phone in October, when Drews learned he was out of

  • To catch Josh Wallace, you’ll have to call him — and he’ll probably be on the move when you do so. The busy MBA student is juggling school classes, his job as a marketing intern… and a starring role in The Fern Shakespeare Company’s “Othello,”…

    eHarmony for artists,” he says — so a singer can find a guitarist or a producer, for example.  A Community You Never Leave Rehearsals in Seattle that can take up to 8 hours. A 20-hour-week part-time job. A full-time MBA program.  Is it hard to juggle so many opportunities and responsibilities? He laughs. Yes, it’s difficult, he agrees — but then he remembers something a good friend told him: “The people who work the hardest find success. You might not see results immediately, or the next day, or even

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    What Game of Thrones Teaches Us About Innovation Posted by: halvormj / May 26, 2019 Image: A scene from Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Photo: HBO. May 26, 2019 By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler warning for the

  • When Hilde Bjørhovde returned to Norway, fresh out of PLU’s journalism program, her home nation had one television station.

    Hilde Bjørhovde ’80 Hilde Bjørhovde ’80 1024 427 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 January 7, 2018 February 6, 2018 Photos by John Froschauer, PLU When Hilde Bjørhovde ’80 returned to Norway, fresh out of Pacific Lutheran University’s journalism program, her home nation had one television station. It

  • Thomas Kim checks all the “American” boxes. Except for one: actually being a legal citizen.

    Thomas Kim ’15 Thomas Kim ’15 1024 427 Genny Boots '18 Genny Boots '18 January 9, 2018 February 6, 2018 “What makes an American an American?” This is a question Thomas Kim ‘15 thinks about often. As a newly married third-year law student with employment lined up after graduation, an activist

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand…

    BASIC, which was the licensed Microsoft 6502 BASIC, a popular language before Pascal became available. So, what made the Apple II innovative? Initially, the Apple II did not have a screen attached, but was connected to a television which acted as the monitor, while using a cassette device for storage. The Apple II was largely different from its competition due to its color graphics and its 8-slot open architecture, which means adding, upgrading and switching components were easy. It set the industry

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 11, 2016)- A project in a marketing class has turned into a passionate effort to register student voters during a major election year. A group of business students at Pacific Lutheran University say they are concerned about lagging voter turnout that has historically…

    matters,” Jore said, adding that Americans have fought for the right to vote, something people in other countries are still fighting for. “Even though we don’t consider Parkland our home, most of us are living here for about four years and should involve ourselves in the community.” For those wishing to participate in Washington state’s presidential primary May 24, the deadline for voter registration has already passed. But there is still time to register to vote in the Aug. 2 primary and the Nov. 8

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 28, 2015)-  It’s safe to say Forrest Griek ‘00, ’02 loves being at school. Currently the principal of Tacoma’s Browns Point Elementary, Griek has spent his career serving in a variety of positions at schools throughout the South Sound, including Todd Beamer…

    had reached a time in my life that I was struggling to find balance, and I needed something to give. As a high-school principal you are running a small city and oftentimes not getting home until 8, 9 or even past 10 p.m. This doesn’t work, especially when you have three kids under 6. My other motivating factor was Tacoma Schools and their leaders. I was inspired by what Tacoma Schools were doing in my community. District leaders were walking the talk and getting the results that kids deserve. I

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 20, 2016)- It’s the season for awards, banquets, recognition and a whole lot of celebrating for Pacific Lutheran University students as they approach Commencement 2016. The ceremony will mark the culmination of several years of hard work, community involvement and the pursuit…

    experience would not have been as educational, as fun, or as significant had I not met the people I did,” McBride said. Following graduation, McBride will start work as an emergency room scribe at Gray’s Harbor Community Hospital. She plans to attend medical school in fall 2017. Her advice to other Lutes with time left on campus includes getting involved, studying away, staying caught up and having a good time. “I encourage other students to have fun,” McBride said. “Find a balance between your school