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  • Sakai Learning Management SystemSakai is PLU’s learning management system for courses and projects. Instructors can request Sakai sites via the online course request page. Course sites are populated with students and faculty from Banner class enrollment data and are updated daily with any newly enrolled students.Get Started with Sakai Student Guide Instructor Guide Get SupportHave a question? Need help? Contact Sakai support and we’ll be in touch to assist you. Sakai Online Help Site: https

  • Three New Tools for Teaching with Sakai By Dana Shreaves, Instructional Designer Many instructors use Sakai for posting their syllabus, sharing resources, and communicating course grades. But did you know that Sakai tools can collect formative assessment data, help students manage their to-do lists, and facilitate communication through audio recordings?  Lesson Questions… September 9, 2019 assessmentaudio recordingchecklistinstructional resourcesinstructional toolsonline learningpollquizSakai

  • been used as a model to study complex social behaviors and the biological underpinnings thereof for a long time. The social choices a bird makes are bounded by their social history, environmental context, biological phenotype, and so on. However, what is often under-appreciated in these data is the clear evidence that the direction of influence is multi-directional. Yes, biology can influence social decisions, but, social decisions can in turn influence biology. This fascinating truism of the data

  • Perspectives (includes the 10-Day International Experience) (4) Spring Semester BMBA 510: Legal, Ethical and Social Responsibilities of Business (4) BMBA 517: Understanding and Managing Financial Resources (4) BMBA 521: Supply Chain and Information Management (4) BMBA 523: Business Strategy and Innovation (4) BMBA 526: Big Data and Decision Analytics (4) – OnlineCourse schedule for students completing the degree in 21 monthsFall Semester – Year 1 BMBA 511: Accounting for Decision Making (4) BMBA 513

  • MSMR Graduate: Pamela & Mathew Topic: Make it Tacoma Research: Tacoma is faced with fewer high-salary employment opportunities than its industry-rich neighbors are.  The researchers collaborated with the city’s Community and Economic Development department to investigate which attributes Tacoma should promote to appeal to potential investors that bring high-wage jobs to cities and revitalize an area. The research consisted of in-depth qualitative interviews and data-rich surveys to explore (1

  • organize, communicate and use information and data,” she explains. “We can also bring new or innovative approaches to the way we do our work by bringing people together across traditionally unconventional lines and supplying them with quality data and information so that new ideas, new approaches, and new programs can emerge, and informed decisions can be made.” For McConnell, it makes a lot of sense that a place like PLU would be home to such a creative and forward-thinking role. “PLU has always been

  • timely scholarship. “One of my goals at PLU is to promote early engagement of undergraduate students – especially for women and underrepresented students – in machine learning, bioinformatics, and the data science field,” he says. “I want to inspire students to pursue advanced STEM education and research careers.”  Cao explains: “Not only is research interesting for the students, I think it’s truly an important part of their education in computer science. I liken it to the Chinese proverb, from

  • . The collected data are compared to the values generated by a modified form of the Doppler equation. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the altered experimental design in generating a measurable Doppler effect, supporting the findings of the original study. 2:45pm Reece Painter – “Why Sunny Winter Days are the Best for Solar Cell Efficiency” Contrary to intuition and popular belief, high temperature is not beneficial for the power output of solar cells. The efficiency of the cell drops at

  • internships is at and will be updated as soon the application opens. Focus of internship: The internships will offer female and minoritized undergraduate students an opportunity to perform a project under the mentorship of scientists working at the frontier of physics at one of the 50+ institutions in the United States. Students will use computational tools and data-science methods to learn about fundamental particles and their interactions

  • Craig Chamberlain:Craig Chamberlain, Mathematics ’13 went on to receive his M.S. in Data Analytics from Oregon State and currently works as a Budget Analyst.  He chose PLU because he found it to be the best fit and recalls that he selected Natural Sciences because the Math professors kept convincing him to take more math courses! He also credits the PLU faculty with aiding him in the path he chose following graduation. Craig’s fondest memory of being a student in Natural Sciences was learning