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  • from the singlet or triplet state. The triplet excitons that are formed on picosecond timescale decay slowly, which is ideal for harnessing them in photovoltaic devices. Sweet Taste and Safety: Health and Environmental Effects of Aspartame and Sucralose Leighton R. Kingma, Senior Capstone Seminar The use of artificial and non-nutritive sweeteners has been on the rise in the past several decades. The increased intake of these sweeteners has led to many studies that seek to determine what potential

  • Fellowship Founded in the mid-19th century, the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) grew rapidly in the early decades of the 20th century. During this period, the YMCA built facilities and offered programs that would develop the “mind, body and spirit” of young men—most of them white and middle-class. During the 1940s and 1950s, the YMCA increasingly served women, children, nonwhites and non-Christians. This broadening of scope demonstrated the YMCA’s adaptability and ultimately led to the 2010

  • the state of Washington, including the Washington State Need Grant, the Washington State College Bound Scholarship, and the Washington State Work Study program. Application for these programs are made through the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA).Off Campus Scholarships & FellowshipsImmigrants Rising list of Undergraduate Scholarships contains scholarships for undergraduate studies that don’t require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency. This up-to-date list

  • . Prerequisite: THEA 380. (4) THEA 485 : Theatre Management The study of issues related to managing a theatre company and producing plays. (2) THEA 491 : Independent Studies Investigations or research in area of special interest not covered by regular courses; open to qualified junior or senior students. Requires pre-registration approved by a departmental sponsor. (1 to 4) THEA 495 : Internship in Theatre Internship or cooperative education experiences in the theatre. (1 to 4) THEA 499 : Capstone - SR

  • meetings (every Monday at noon) will expand to a dozen or more Lutes—with only a couple concerned on any given Monday that the meetings are at lunchtime. At this initial gathering, we glean a tentative concept of the king’s time on campus, and we learn that PLU is establishing a special endowed scholarship in honor of His Majesty’s visit (benefiting PLU students who study in Norway and those who participate in the Peace Studies program at PLU). Just a few of the to-dos on the inaugural agenda: Get

  • survived the Holocaust to become a fierce advocate for Holocaust education, and for the memory of those who did not survive. Even after his death in 2012, the man whose name informs one of PLU’s most distinguished programs remains an inspiration: for scholars, for students—and, perhaps most recently (and most poignantly), for a J-Term Study Away experience organized by Kirsten Christensen, Associate Professor of German and affiliated faculty in PLU’s new program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at PLU

  • Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University (ASPLU). Now, the Politics & Government and Hispanic Studies double major works in Washington D.C. on “The Hill,” as the Press Assistant and Legislative Correspondent in the office of Rep. Derek Kilmer.

  • survived the Holocaust to become a fierce advocate for Holocaust education, and for the memory of those who did not survive. Even after his death in 2012, the man whose name informs one of PLU’s most distinguished programs remains an inspiration: for scholars, for students—and, perhaps most recently (and most poignantly), for a J-Term Study Away experience organized by Kirsten Christensen, Associate Professor of German and affiliated faculty in PLU’s new program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at PLU

  • -Level M.S.N. students must maintain full-time status throughout their entire program of study. Prior to entering graduate-level studies, Entry-Level M.S.N. students participate in a 15-month intensive program at the undergraduate level leading to RN eligibility. During the pre-licensure program component, outside employment is not recommended because it may significantly impair student performance. After obtaining RN licensure midway through the program, the students are encouraged and expected to

  • , Economics, and Global studies. Hope that all the students who are coming to PLU next year can keep improving their English, especially practice their speaking English. Caitong (Camille) ChenNursing, 2019 太平洋路德大学表彰学生德学术成就并为学生提供奖学金, 对此我非常感激。 此外, 学校注重小规模教学, 因此教授和学生之间能够有更多的相互交流。学生更可以通过这种方式获得更多个人关注。 太平洋路德大学不仅是一个支持性的团体还是一间充满机会的学校。学生可以通过参加学校各种不同团体来充实自己。 Zhichu (Adam) RenMusic, 2019 太平洋路德大学不仅仅提供一流的小班化教学,更提供了对每个学生细致的关怀以及体贴的建议。正是因为学校对我全方位的关注,我才能在这四年内升级成为最好的“版本”,为我自己的未来打下一个扎实的基础。此外,美国自由、独立以及平等的价值观充斥着校园的各个角落,让每一个学生