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  • ’15, also a senior producer of the film, began research in the fall of 2013. The pair then traveled across the United States, Canada and London with Chief Videographer Olivia Ash ’15 to film the documentary. Evan Heringer ’16 and Taylor Cox ’16 helped complete the final project with their editing and graphic-design skills. “We put our hearts and souls into this film, and its nice to be recognized with these awards,” Lunka said. “People don’t often give students enough credit, but we do great work

  • meaning. In my experience, PLU students always ask tough questions and I am consistently blown away by their intellectual abilities and their fearlessness in challenging accepted opinions.The Holocaust and Genocide Studies MinorThe Holocaust and Genocide Studies program is strongly grounded in PLU’s forty-year dedication to Holocaust Studies and the University’s educational commitment to helping its students develop as global citizens, future leaders, and whole, richly informed persons. Read more

  • participating school is responsible for making its own individual admissions decisions. To apply to VMCAS participating schools, you’ll only need to submit one online application to VMCAS and complete any supplemental application requirements as dictated by the veterinary medical colleges. We recommend that you complete your applications well ahead of the deadline to allow your application time to go through the transcript verification process. This process may take up to three- four weeks. Supplemental

  • participating school is responsible for making its own individual admissions decisions. To apply to VMCAS participating schools, you’ll only need to submit one online application to VMCAS and complete any supplemental application requirements as dictated by the veterinary medical colleges. We recommend that you complete your applications well ahead of the deadline to allow your application time to go through the transcript verification process. This process may take up to three- four weeks. Supplemental

  • . Participate in the Global Campus Connection (GCC) program, where new international students are matched with current PLU students!Global Ambassadors Global Ambassadors provide peer support to study away students before, during, and after an off-campus study experience. They’ve spent at least a semester studying abroad, so they know what its like to try to settle back in. Keep an eye out each Spring Semester for the Global Ambassador application and deadline. Please contact the Wang Center for more

  • Applied-Physics REU at the University of South Florida The NSF-funded REU in Applied Physics at the University of South Florida in Tampa is about to enter its twelfth summer! The program runs May 20th through July 29th and includes projects with faculty in experimental, theoretical, and computational physics.  They cover travel expenses to… January 20, 2022

  • When members of the PLU community use learning resources (e.g., books, articles, films, video or audio clips, images) for teaching or learning purposes, they must do so within the parameters of at least one of these four categories defined and addressed by federal legislation: Public domain. Works created by the federal government (or by contract with the federal government), works explicitly dedicated to the public domain by the author, works for which there is no copyright protection (e.g

  • diligence with which she had every day wished for the same thing was at length to have its just reward, for hardly had she been seated ten minutes before a lady of about her own age, who was sitting by her, and had been looking at her attentively for several minutes, addressed her with great complaisance in these words: “I think, madam, I cannot be mistaken; it is a long time since I had the pleasure of seeing you, but is not your name Allen?” This question answered, as it readily was, the stranger

  • day in 1955. When Melody Ferguson first arrived on the pretty PLU campus, with its towering trees, lush gardens and brick buildings, she said something else stood out even more — the friendly people. “I’ve worked at three institutions and all of them are great — what is unique about PLU is this whole kind of vibe that’s all about service, and hospitality,” said Ferguson, the university’s director of admission. She often tells prospective students about that first impression when she came to campus

  • special and welcome she felt that momentous day in 1955. When Melody Ferguson first arrived on the pretty PLU campus, with its towering trees, lush gardens and brick buildings, she said something else stood out even more — the friendly people. “I’ve worked at three institutions and all of them are great — what is unique about PLU is this whole kind of vibe that’s all about service, and hospitality,” said Ferguson, the university’s director of admission. She often tells prospective students about that