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  • Lightboard ProjectThis page chronicles the construction of PLU’s lightboard, which will be widely available for campus use. Photos, guidelines, failures and budget expenditures will be added as construction progresses. Front view This is the side that faces the camera. Back view The side that the presenter writes on Ft. Ellie. Side view Theater jack legs, heavy duty casters, a cross support, and a power supply LEDs LEDs in the groove of the frame. Construction Process1/8/19: WE DID IT!After 2

  • : A five minute selection(s) of your choice, displaying both lyrical and technical/fast playing such as etudes, Solo and Ensemble repertoire, or a selection of several contrasting orchestral excerpts. If auditioning for Symphony Orchestra you can choose and prepare an excerpt(s) from Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5., Mov II, 8 after letter K to Tempo I). Euphoniums: A five-minute selection(s) of your choice displaying both lyrical and technical/fast playing such as études, Solo and Ensemble repertoire

  • artist Craig Cornwall for a printmaking workshop that covers etching and drypoint. Cornwall is a Master Printer in lithography trained at the world-renowned Tamarind Institute.  He has taught workshops all over the country and operates a professional print workshop working with other artists to produce limited edition prints. Cost: $50 for members, $60 for non-members. Educator Evening with Edvard Munch and the Sea, Thursday, April 21, 5 – 8 pm, Location: TAM Educators are invited to explore the

  • ); or “Sexual assault” as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), “dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(30). (Refer to Section XII for formal definitions.) Initial assessment of these criteria, does not preclude Pacific Lutheran University from removing a Respondent from an educational program or activity on an emergency basis, pending an individualized safety and risk assessment

  • Program Schedule Thursday, March 4 – Symposium in Downtown Tacoma Opening Reception (5:30 pm – 7:00 pm) Location: Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center, Foyer Keynote 1 (7:00 pm – 8:45 pm) “The Olympic Games, Social Activism and Responsibility: How Sport Can Affect Change in the World” Joey Cheek Olympic Gold Medalist, Darfur Activist and Humanitarian Location: Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center, Ballrooms C&D Friday, March 5 – Symposium on the PLU Campus Concurrent Session 1 (9:15-10

  • again… “what are symbols and why are they important?” My audience, a mix of children ages 6 to 10 and their families, settle into the question. Some have an intentional look about them; brows furrowed, eyes fixed on the book we’re discussing. Others look down, away, hoping I won’t call on them to answer. One of the parents, Kathy, is the first to speak up. She is in her late 30’s and accompanies her son, an 8-year old, every Tuesday to this community reading and discussion series. Prime Time Family

  • Program Schedule Thursday, March 4 – Symposium in Downtown Tacoma Opening Reception (5:30 pm – 7:00 pm) Location: Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center, Foyer Keynote 1 (7:00 pm – 8:45 pm) “The Olympic Games, Social Activism and Responsibility: How Sport Can Affect Change in the World” Joey Cheek Olympic Gold Medalist, Darfur Activist and Humanitarian Location: Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center, Ballrooms C&D Friday, March 5 – Symposium on the PLU Campus Concurrent Session 1 (9:15-10

  • consists of using a distribution of oligomeric ethylene oxide units with an average of n=8. The benefits of using such a rigid backbone and flexible tail, theoretically, allow for the separation of lithium ion conductivity from the solid nature of the electrolyte. The oligomeric ethylene oxide units were tosylated using a green chemistry reaction and connected via an alkylation reaction to the oxanorbornene maleimide repeat unit to create the monomer. Future steps will include polymerization of the

  • . 6.    Combustible materials such as propane, gasoline, kerosene, and items containing combustible materials (i.e., lanterns) are not permitted in administrative and residence halls. 7.    No scooters, hover boards, mopeds, or items with an electrical or gas powered motor are allowed inside PLU buildings. They may be stored at least 25 feet away from the building. 8.    Hallways, stairwells, and lounges must be free of all personal items (including but not limited to: boxes, bicycles, shoes, door

  • climbing ripples, fine grains, lamination, and are geographically un-isolated. Flathead lake was shown to have asymmetric ripples, fine grain lamination, and geographically un-isolated, while Garden Gulch had climbing ripples, a mixture of grain sizes, and fine grained lamination. Thus, I conclude that both Flathead lake and Garden gulch have extrabasinal turbidites, which agrees with Hofmann et al. (2010), but disagrees with Smith (2017).View Orion's poster here. Analysis of Surface Water Quality and