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  • Welcome Note Setting The Course On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2016 Connection Events Lute Recruit Alumni Profiles Class Notes Family and Friends Mike Benson Submit a Class Note Calendar Highlights Podcasts Featured / January 20, 2016 By Sandy Deneau Dunham IN LATE AUGUST , PLU debuted “Open to Interpretation,” a podcast devoted to exploring the meanings and implications of words commonly used in the news, on social media and on college campuses

  • December 1, 2009 Perspective – The view through safety goggles Folks around Rieke Science Center – and sometimes in other parts of campus when I’m running late for a meeting – often see me donning a certain accessory that is quintessential to chemists worldwide: safety goggles. We all wear them. Our laboratory students often complain that the goggles are uncomfortable or fog up during a frustrating lab day. But as a regular user through my years in research, I’m indebted to them for reasons

  • in the spring when we have between 50 and 75 people attend.” “There are many different reasons why people come to Jewish club. Some of them want to keep their traditions alive. Many of them are in a religion class and they are interested in learning more. Many of them are just friends of ours,” Eaton said. “I think some of them only come for my freshly baked bread.” “For me spirituality is a sense of oneness and a sense of community. You are part of something larger than yourself. Whether you are

  • Studying AwayAll students at PLU are encouraged to take advantage of study away programs. Students with disabilities need to be aware that the accessibility that is available in the US cannot be guaranteed in other countries.  Students are encouraged to plan early and discuss their goals and plans for studying abroad with staff at the OAA Office and the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education.Quick Links Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education Guide for Students

  • Applying for Graduate schoolTips for the Graduate School Search Process Talk with your professors and find out where they went to graduate school, ask if there are particular graduate programs in their field they would recommend. Research Professional Associations in your field of interest. Many associations will provide information about accredited graduate programs in their field. Identify application requirements for your graduate program of interest, including: any required undergraduate

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Scroll down to see more content Altar de Muertos at an evening celebration in el Barrio de Xochimilco. Photo Credit: James Krick. Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is

  • The PLU Event Planing GuideThis Event Planning Guide is here to guide PLU students, faculty and staff who coordinate events. It includes the key components of event planning for large and small scale events, including catering, marketing, audio/visual needs, and inclusive practices.Spending time to conceptualize your event and develop a plan gives you the ability to be intentional about collaboration and program design. The PLU Event Planning Form is a tool designed to lead event planners

  • System EvaluationKIT Why the new Teaching and Course Feedback form and online system?As noted in the “Teaching Evaluation Task Force report, May 2015”, our current teaching evaluation instrument has been in place since the mid-1990’s and there have been concerns about validity (does the question accurately reflect what it’s intended to measure) and reliability (would the same results be collected if distributed at a different time?). Additionally, the costs of carrying out the current system (in

  • September 27, 2013 Mark Lee, Mimi Granlund and Matt Hubbard and the apparatus they built to help them understand how the roughness and size of a tongue would affect the amount of water an animal could lap up and still be efficient.  (Photos by John Froschauer) What exactly is a ‘CAPSTONE’ (And how will it ge me a job?) By Barbara Clements, Content Development Director So just how does one get a job – or an offer to grad school – by studying slobber? First step: Start studying slobber – or

  • In the opera titled “Fiery Jade — Cai Yan,” the ancient story of Chinese poet Cai Yan proves an excellent example of diverse perspectives and student-faculty collaboration. HOW IT’S MADE The music for Fiery Jade is composed by Greg Youtz, PLU professor of music and composer, and the script — known as a libretto — is written by poet Zhang Er. “I just love getting inside a poet’s words,” Youtz said. “When you set words to music, you get deeply inside the poet’s creative space.” Youtz has been