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  • Accessibility Checker is a three-step process: Step 1: Click Accessibility Checker Icon Access the Accessibility Checker tool by clicking its icon in the rich-text editor toolbar. The Accessibility Checker icon looks like a human silhouette inside a black circle.   Step 2: Review Suggested Changes Review any reported issues in the Accessibility Checker dialog box that pops up. The pink area at the top of the box will provide a list of issues, along with Previous and Next buttons to navigate through the list

  • How do you handle being the “first” or the “only”? Nikki Plaid ’96 (full oral history interview here)Born and raised in Las Vegas as a Lutheran, Nikki Plaid found PLU naturally through her family and her pastor. Her first night at PLU was the first night she had been out of state, and she was determined to make the most of her experience. In addition to picking up two majors (in political science and global studies) and a minor (in women’s studies), Nikki got involved with the Black Student

  • have as its goal either a direct benefit to the individual subject or seek an understanding of issues and conditions specific to incarcerated persons. Research with incarcerated persons will be reviewed by the full HPRB at a convened meeting.  Please see HPRB meeting schedule here. + Pregnant women, fetuses, and neonatesResearch on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates may not include invasive procedures unless it provides a direct benefit to the mother and only exposes the fetus to minimal risk

  • 226. (4) BIOL 359 : Biology of Reproduction This course will explore human reproduction focusing on anatomical and physiological aspects but also examining its influence on behavior and society. Although the main attention will be focused on humans, examples will be drawn from other vertebrate species ranging from the effects of testosterone on songbird vocalizations to the estrous cycle in rats to seasonal reproduction in sheep in order to provide comparative perspectives. Prerequisite: BIOL 226

  • the world and documenting its beauty, weathered a terrible storm that day in 2008. He made his…read more

  • “Attending a chemistry program at a small liberal arts school…gave me post-graduation opportunities! I was able to do research at PLU, research through an REU program at an R1 school, and had multiple post-graduation options months before I graduated. Thank you for preparing me for a life of inquiry in the sciences!” – Caleb Chandler ’17 Research By Area Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Angie Boysen, Ph.D. Brian Naasz, Ph.D. Biochemistry Tina Saxowsky, Ph.D. Dave Song, Ph.D.  Physical

  • past and instruction for the present.6 Even those that were not Huguenot, who did not explicitly share in this history, identified with elements of this history —whether it be the experience of minority status, experiences of persecution or a biblical heritage—and affirmed their part in the identity of Le Chambon. The villagers, Huguenot and otherwise, saw their current situation in terms of what had happened before: they called on this common memory and its resources to respond to their situation

  • involved in a current or previous intimate or sexual relationship. Sexual Misconduct may vary in its severity and consists of a range of behavior.” For more information, you can read the PLU Sexual Misconduct Policy.Resources for Sexual Assault VictimsThe Center for Diversity, Justice, & Sustainability’s Advocacy Services*  is a confidential resource that provides support for victims of sexual assault, including obtaining a Protection Order, learning how to increase their safety, and connecting with

  • , and I love that. It was a bit by default. I didn’t aim for that.” Sirine Fodstad ’97, now the global human resources director of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund, speaks to students at Pacific Lutheran University in March 2011, as part of the Executive Leadership Series. She will return to campus for a lecture this spring. (Video by PLU School of Business) Fodstad is the global human resources director for the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund. Its mission is to safeguard and build financial

  • Alumni Feature: Jeremy Mangan Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / April 20, 2012 April 20, 2012 Who: Jermey Mangan – Graduated from PLU in 1998 with degrees in fine art and German Many SOAC students hope their careers turn out like Jeremy Mangan’s. Currently, he is included in Tacoma Art Museum’s 10th biennial, a group exhibition at Cornish College and a finalist for the prestigious and generous award called the Neddy. He’s the subject of a feature in an upcoming arts and culture publication and