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  • Economics Major RequirementsEconomics majors complete a minimum of 32 credit hours leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree within the College of Liberal Studies at PLU. (Complete course descriptions may be found here.) In addition to the university and college requirements, economics majors must complete: Required Courses for all Economic Majors: ECON 101 , 102, and 499 ECON 301 or 302 STAT 231 or MATH/STAT 242 Note: ECON 301 and ECON302 both have a pre-requisite of MATH128/151. Please see your

  • Economics Minor RequirementsEconomics minors complete a minimum of 20 credit hours. (Complete course descriptions may be found here.) In addition to the university and college requirements, economics minors must complete: ECON 101; 102; 301 or 302 Note: ECON 301 and ECON302 both have a pre-requisite of MATH128/151. Please see your advisor to ensure you are on track to meet these math pre-requisites.    8 additional semester hours of Economics electives. 4 hours of which may be from ECON 301 or

  • PLU to host environmental symposium and Earth Week events exploring the violence of natural resource extraction Posted by: Zach Powers / March 27, 2023 March 27, 2023 Pacific Lutheran University will host the Steen Family Symposium for Environmental Issues and Earth and Diversity Week April 17-23 . Series events will explore the theme of “Sowing Resilience in Fractured Land.” Guest speakers, dialogues, and hands-on activities will invite attendees to examine the wide-ranging and long-term

  • Course DescriptionsThis list is intended to be an overview of our class offerings, so that you can get an idea of what to expect when enrolling in Economics at PLU.  For a complete list of course offerings and concentrations see the PLU Course Catalog. ECON 101 : Principles of Microeconomics - ES Introduces the study of economic decision making by firms and individuals and analyzes the effect of public policies on these. Economic tools and concepts such as markets, supply and demand, efficiency

  • courses present various perspectives that highlight the complex relationships between people and the environment and that transcend the boundaries of any particular discipline. Students select one of the following multidisciplinary courses that anchor their understanding of environmental issues. The course should be completed prior to enrolling in either ENVT 350 or 499A. ECON 101: Principles of Microeconomics (4) ESCI 104: Conservation of Natural Resources (4) RELI 239: Environment and Culture (4

  • Students who bring guests onto campus and to PLU events are responsible for informing their guest(s)

  • MissionPLU seeks to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people, for their communities, and for the Earth.PlanningLong-Range and Strategic Planning DocumentsPLU’s new 2021-2025 Strategic Plan PLU’s decennial vision documents lay out the long-range objectives of the university PLU 2000 formulated our mission statement ( “We seek to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care–for other people, for their

  • Economics Major Learning Outcomes 1: Understand the conditions under which markets do and do not work well to allocate scarce resources for the social good, and analyze the effects of market characteristics and underlying conditions on economic outcomes. 2: Use economic reasoning to analyze current economic events and the effects of public policies. 3: Clearly communicate economic reasoning in oral and written form.   Revised 1/2023

  • : Macroeconomics, Financial Econometrics Teaching Areas: Macroeconomics, International Economics, Managerial Economics, Statistics, and Econometrics Biography Krisztina Nagy (n-odge as in Dodge like the car) is an experienced teacher and researcher focusing on international economics and econometric analysis.  She is passionate about teaching her craft to both undergraduate and graduate students and she especially enjoys guiding students to see the interconnectedness of today’s world.  Dr. Nagy has taught at

  • Professor at Pacific Lutheran University teaching Sales & Sales Management and Business Writing; Adjunct Professor at Highline Community College teaching Professional Selling, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Human/Labor Relations, Principles of Management & Supervision and Business Ethics & Sustainability. Cosette holds a Master of Science in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Economics, both from the University of Idaho. In her leisure time, she loves hiking, snowshoeing, kayaking, running

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