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In 2010, Thorleif Thorleifsson and BØrge Ousland spent 80 days sailing around the Arctic Ocean. (Photos courtesy/Norwegian Embassy) Exploring the Arctic In 2010, Norwegian explorer Thorleif Thorleifsson and BØrge Ousland, became the first to sail around the Arctic in one, short season. Thorleifsson and Marit…
February 13, 2012 In 2010, Thorleif Thorleifsson and BØrge Ousland spent 80 days sailing around the Arctic Ocean. (Photos courtesy/Norwegian Embassy) Exploring the Arctic In 2010, Norwegian explorer Thorleif Thorleifsson and BØrge Ousland, became the first to sail around the Arctic in one, short season. Thorleifsson and Marit Archer Saether, environmental counselor with the Norwegian Embassy, will come to PLU on a lecture tour to discuss arctic exploration, climate change and its effect on the
PLU President Thomas W. Krise talks about the importance of sustainability at the university after signing the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment agreement in October. (Photos by John Froschauer) PLU reaffirms its commitment to leading the way in a commitment to sustainability By…
for new college and university presidents at Harvard University this summer, the presidents asked for and received a session on environmental sustainability. Anderson was one of the 12 founding signatories of the agreement. Since then, 661 universities have signed, while PLU’s reputation in this area as grown. “Many of them knew of PLU’s commitment to sustainability; our reputation precedes us,” Krise said. Sustainability, and a commitment to the
This is a question Thomas Kim ‘15 thinks about often. As a newly married third-year law student with employment lined up after graduation, an activist philanthropist and an upstanding community member, Kim checks all the “American” boxes. Except for one: actually being a legal citizen.…
recipients in the United States. DACA grants temporary visas to young people who arrived in the United States with their parents as undocumented immigrants. While Kim might not be an American legally, he is certainly a Lute. Kim graduated in 2015 with degrees in mathematical economics and psychology and a minor in statistics. Currently, he is in his third year at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law School at Arizona State University in Phoenix, AZ.“PLU really set things well for me,” Kim said. But the
Benson lecturer poses question: Would slavery have ended without the Civil War? If the Civil War didn’t end slavery, something else would have, said history professor Peter A. Coclanis. By 1861 slavery was dying out,” Coclanis said , who teaches at the University of North…
on the south… is extremely difficult.”By the time of the war slavery was a part of every aspect of life. All the discrepancies in data and factors that can’t be isolated “has rendered the debate of the economics of slavery a contact sport,” Coclanis said, sparking a few chuckles from his crowd. Coclanis said he doesn’t think slavery would have completely vanished without the Civil War. Instead, Coclanis said, it was more likely that “a closely controlled labor system, not that distinct from the
Professor Robert Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies. (John Froschauer, Photo) A Report on Scholarship and Activities in 2013-2014 Robert P. Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies During the past two years, Bob Ericksen has given ten lectures in five nations on three…
Library. While in London, he was able to attend a conference hosted by the Institute for Jewish Studies, University College London, on the great scholar of Jewish mysticism, Gershom Scholem. As a side benefit, he also attended a reception at the House of Lords for his graduating class at the London School of Economics. Read Previous Relay for Life Read Next International ‘Speed-Dating’ COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or
TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 28, 2019) — “Butterfly Confessions” is not your average stage play. In the words of PLU’s Director of Multicultural Outreach & Engagement, Melannie Denise Cunningham: “If you’re on a journey of cultural literacy, then this is an opportunity to step into a…
(Student Night) and Nov. 2 (including a VIP reception) at 7:30pm in the Chris Knutzen Hall. Tickets are $20 for general admission and $5 for students (w/ ID) for both nights. Read Previous New economics mentorship program eases classroom-to-career transitions for PLU students Read Next Real-world experience, distilled: PLU marketing analytics grad students partner with Heritage Distilling Company COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker
Pacific Lutheran University’s Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education will host the sixth biennial Ambassador Chris Stevens Celebration of Service on March 1. The celebration offers a day of events focused on international service, highlighted by a Peace Corps service panel and keynote…
, PLU economics professor Priscilla St. Clair will host a panel discussion featuring PLU alumni who have served in the Peace Corps. The event will spotlight PLU’s Peace Corps Prep Certificate Program, an undergraduate certificate program that prepares students for Peace Corps service and other international and domestic service-oriented programs. Panelists will include Shella Biallas ’04, who worked on ecotourism in Belize; Haley Ehlers ’16, who worked on personal finance programs in Timor-Leste
OLYMPIA, WASH. (Nov. 22, 2019) — When asked the simple question “What’s an average week at work like for you?” Justin Kjolseth ’10 doesn’t have a clear answer. “It varies,” they say. “There really is no average work week for me.” Kjolseth isn’t dodging the…
for a long period of time. This job gives me opportunities to do lots of different things, develop lots of different forms of expertise and learn a lot of new skills. Is this the particular legal field you’d hoped to enter when you were a law student? I thought I was going to be an environmental lawyer. I went to Vermont Law School specifically because of its environmental law program. What I didn’t realize was how well an environmental law education dovetails with education law work. You learn a
Have you ever wondered how the ocean’s tiniest inhabitants play a significant role in shaping our world? Marine microorganisms, minuscule life forms, wield a vital influence over our planet’s climate. They manage crucial components like carbon and oxygen within the vast oceans and the atmosphere.…
microorganisms, minuscule life forms, wield a vital influence over our planet’s climate. They manage crucial components like carbon and oxygen within the vast oceans and the atmosphere. Over the summer, Professor Angie Boysen and her dedicated team, Lydia Flaspohler ’25, a biology major, and Ryan Fisher ’24, a biology major and environmental studies minor, embarked on a mission to unravel the secrets of these microorganisms. Professor Boysen, Flaspohler and Fisher aimed to understand the compounds these
Life of the Mind: One student’s journey shapes the landscape of PLU, by imagining the past By Chris Albert Standing under the branches of a Garry oak tree on the hill behind the University Center, Reed Ojala-Barbour ’11 takes stock of the open space in…
-Barbour, an environmental studies major, said of the Clover Creek watershed on which the PLU campus sits. “That’s a little piece of evidence that used to be prairie,” It’s something he could have learned in a book – and he certainly did – but his experience at PLU extends well beyond the classroom. His experience here led him to work with professors who have long been retired, community groups who offer funding and volunteers, PLU staff who help manage the campus.
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