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  • Professor Call to begin developing a book on the subject, which she continued to work on with a 2019-2020 Kelmer Roe fellowship with writing major Mathilde Magga.In 2017-18, one collaboration was between Riley Dolan and Professor Carmiña Palerm of the Hispanic Studies Program. Riley conducted a study of the Guatemalan Genocide in the early 1980’s. While studying the subject in class, he hadn’t found scholarly sources about the monuments for Guatemala, nor articles about dealing with the memory and

  • teams, and the creative work that Lutes will continue to engage in together. Joanna GregsonActing provost and professor of sociology This issue of ResoLute offers a glimpse into this world of educational exchange, which not only informs the scholarship of students and faculty members alike, but also embodies the university’s mission of service to and care for others and the planet. From scholarly research about unethical medical studies targeting marginalized populations to field research on the

  • Big picture learning: Physics major Julian Kop ’24 studies the universe and his family background at PLU Julian Kop spent the summer of 2023 at Pacific Lutheran University looking up at the night sky and the stars. Kop earned an opportunity to do summer research with professors Sean O’Neill and Katrina Hay at PLU’s W.M. Keck Observatory, working some nights between 8… May 20, 2024 AcademicsDiversityPhysicsResearchStudent Voice

  • Kara Atkinson ’23, transfer history major and former military linguist, on her PLU experience Kara Atkinson ’23 earned an associate degree while serving as an Arabic linguist in the United States Army prior to her arrival at PLU. A history major with minors in religion and Holocaust and genocide studies , Atkinson’s passion for research, academia, and higher education… May 5, 2023 HistoryResearchServiceStudent/Faculty ResearchTransfer

  • , Buffalo State University St. Augustin’s Higher Time, Max Weber’s Disenchantment and Confucius on Ritual Ceremony: The Significance of Confucianism, Fred Yonggang Huang, Brooklyn College – City University of New York Studies in Iconology of Taoism from a Global Perspective, Juntao Li, Sichuan Normal University (Online) Sustainable Development: Confucianism is the Solution to the Modern Environmental Crises, Daliang Wang and Savannah Graver, High Point University 浅析传统太极技击与养生的力学原理, Ningsheng Huang

  • research may not be greater than minimal risk unless it provides a direct benefit to the child. Written parental/guardian permission is required for studies involving children. Once parental/guardian permission has been obtained, the agreement or assent of the child is required. This requires the researcher to explain the study in child-friendly language using an Child Oral Assent Script. While the parents/guardians must provide legal consent for the child to participate in research, the child must

  • Step 4This is a critical component of the HPRB application. Informed consent is necessary for all research studies (even exempt research). The goal of informed consent is to make sure research participants are treated with dignity and respect and they understand: what they will be asked to do any risks and/or benefits involved they can choose not to answer any questions they always have the right to decline or withdraw from any study without consequence how their data will be used and protected

  • university's curriculum caters to those eclectic interests. Beyoncé and Black Feminist Theory“Who Beyoncé is for?” is not usually a question that you ask when you’re bopping your head to “Single Ladies,” or “Partition,” or any of the other hundreds of hit songs that have made Beyoncé a worldwide music icon. But it is just one of the questions students will tackle in the Women’s and Gender Studies course titled “Beyoncé and Black Feminist Theory.” “The general premise of the course is to think about Beyoncé

  • and Latino Studies Tamara Williams, Ph.D., has served as the executive director of the Wang Center for 10 years and was tasked with overseeing the merger process.  “First and foremost”, she says, “It should be noted that this merger occurred during the pandemic and that, during this two-year period, not only has the landscape of community engaged learning changed, it also will continue to evolve. Moreover, the pandemic prompted a renewed commitment by PLU to the local community going forward

  • health care that integrates best evidence from studies and patient care data with clinician expertise and patient preferences and values (Melnyk, Fineout-Overhold, Stillwell, & Williamson, 2010). In addition there is a need to consider those scientific studies that ask: whose perspectives are solicited, who creates the evidence, how is that evidence created, what questions remain unanswered, and what harm may be created? Answers to these questions are paramount to incorporating meaningful, culturally