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  • humanities, connections encouraged by the interdisciplinary arm of the contest. The Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications also hosts the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)—the “pure math” side of the competition. This year the simultaneous contests drew 20,000 teams and played out at thousands of locations across twenty-one countries. At PLU, the ultramarathon-style drama unfolds in the Morken Center for Learning and Technology, where, this year Duffy, Madeline and Matthew listened to the

  • undergraduate.  “I didn’t really know what I wanted to study. Philosophy was something I had always interacted with but didn’t really have a name for. Then I took this philosophy class and it was like oh, this is what I have been interested in.” Dr. Arnold says, “Broadly speaking, all areas of the academy and education have elements of philosophy to them. You could do the philosophy of just about anything: physics, religion, literature etc. I don’t think philosophy is done only in its department. The way it

  • , 2016. [Photo: John Froschauer/PLU] Do students learn about this process in your classes? Ebbinga: It is a process I have taught, although with less toxic and more affordable materials. Mold making provides fantastic lessons in creative problem solving as each mold offers different challenges and requires its own solutions. The principles of how a mold is constructed remain fairly constant depending on the material to be cast. A significant hurdle in teaching these processes is the cost and amount

  • , Whitman and Seattle University. It was really great to meet other students and see what they were doing. Our first speaker of the day was Dave Zimmer, Vice President of Kindle Device Sales. He laid out the 14 Amazon Leadership Principles that guide the company and its day-to-day work. We then went on a tour of the Amazon campus. We broke up into several groups and spread out. It was really interesting to see that the Amazon buildings have no clear signage or branding. There are many buildings spread

  • Center also offers free same-day medical appointments, and will reimburse for deductibles and copays up to $1,000. The Access Plan does not require students to carry additional insurance, but students are strongly encouraged to have it. Taiwo joined Kim Riano, director of the Health and Counseling centers, and Monica Richardson, a student-government representative from ASPLU, to accept PLU’s certificate. The university was recognized for fulfilling its open enrollment goals: hosting on-campus

  • university where he would ultimately teach, his thought process was similar to that of a high school student looking for a college. (And considering he has a daughter in college now and a high school senior exploring all options, he has some recent experience.) Every university, after all, has its positives and negatives. Brown considered his options. “Do I want a larger school where there may be greater opportunities for research,” he asked. “Do I want a school where teaching is prized; where it is

  • J-Term@Sea Our group at the Frederick Lutheran Church, which is celebrating its 350th anniversary this year, making it the oldest Lutheran church in the Western Hemisphere. #lutesawayDr. Nancy Albers-Miller, Dean of the PLU School of Business, and I have been teaching courses on board cruise ships… January 28, 2016 What's a Lute?

  • J-Term@Sea Our group at the Frederick Lutheran Church, which is celebrating its 350th anniversary this year, making it the oldest Lutheran church in the Western Hemisphere. #lutesawayDr. Nancy Albers-Miller, Dean of the PLU School of Business, and I have been teaching courses on board cruise ships… January 28, 2016 What's a Lute?

  • way almost nothing else can. Listening to it or performing it puts a person in a state where a powerful aesthetic response can occur, and for every individual, it’s different. Choral music, with its link to texts, can help the listener interpret the words with deeper emotion. What do the music and texts that will comprise this Sunday’s “Beyond Walls” concert have to do with the current social divisions in America and the feelings that many are processing following the election? The music and texts

  • in the Symbol of the Cross” Abstract: The symbol of the cross is central to Christianity, yet creates harmful implications. I reviewed feminist critiques of Luther’s theology of the cross to assess its modern interpretations and redemptive value. The context of Jesus’ life and resurrection is essential to include in what the cross represents. Why I Majored in Religion: Growing up in the Lutheran tradition created my initial interest in studying religion. The Religion department at PLU provided a