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  • The School of Arts and Communication Dean’s Award for Excellence was awarded to six extraordinary graduating students on May 27, 2016, at the SOAC Recognition Ceremony. The Dean’s Award honors students for exceptional, tangible accomplishments, which could include: Independent research, student/faculty research or creative project A presentation or publication for a regional or national audience Regional or national academic competitions Superior performance in the performing arts Superior

  • . Both JeanMarie and Jerry have been on the Parents Council since 2006. Why we Give to Q Club: “Living in Western Washington, we both knew about PLU but didn’t really know PLU. In 1995, our dad, Julian Foss, became interested in the new Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ installation and, after his death, the Foss family created an endowment in his name for its upkeep. We later met alumnus Darren Kerbs ’96 through our church and got to know a little more about the university. Our daughter Jillian, as a

  • got bored and decided to try out crew. Fast began as a rower, but because of medical problems, she was reassigned to the position of coxswain. She loved rowing, but she ended up loving the role of coxswain even more. “I motivate them in races” Fast said. “I’ve been here for three years doing this and I wouldn’t leave this team for anything.” Read Previous PLU prof tells why editing organic chemistry textbook is actually fun Read Next School of Business extends its AACSB accreditation COMMENTS*Note

  • countless Lutes throughout its history. One of the country’s most highly regarded legislative internships, the program offers students the opportunity to gain professional paid work experience and study the legislative process at the state level. Interns work alongside legislative staff to learn firsthand about public policy, build real-world professional skills and serve the citizens of Washington state. In addition to their office work, interns take part in hands-on activities, including training in

  • encouraged by the interdisciplinary arm of the contest. The Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications also hosts the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)—the “pure math” side of the competition. This year the simultaneous contests drew 20,000 teams and played out at thousands of locations across twenty-one countries. At PLU, the ultramarathon-style drama unfolds in the Morken Center for Learning and Technology, where, this year Duffy, Madeline and Matthew listened to the Vines for six hours

  • prestigious program, which arms participants with strategies, materials and information to help them successfully teach AP courses. PLU has hosted the AP Summer Institute for 30 years—longer than any other university in the state of Washington. And since its very beginning, PLU Professor Duane Swank has taught (or co-taught) the Chemistry class every year it’s been offered. Swank, who helped bring the program to PLU, said it launched with 20 or 25 participants, and all sessions were taught by PLU faculty

  • arbitrator’s fees and expenses equal to the amount the Employee would be required to pay to file suit in Washington State Superior Court.  Each party shall pay for its own costs and attorney’s fees, if any, except as provided in Paragraph 4 below. 4. Law and Remedies.  In making the decision and rendering the award, the arbitrator shall apply applicable substantive law.  The arbitrator may award injunctive relief or any other remedy that would have been available to the parties had the matter been heard in

  • framework for robotics development. The goal of this project was to build a prototype mobile robot based on ROS with the ability to detect and process its environment with onboard LIDAR and to enable navigation of the robot within the space. A map image will be generated from the detected surfaces in the room and the robot will be able to find a path to a desired point on the map. 12:10pm Lunch 1:00pm – Kinect Lifter: Implement Dynamic Movement Tracking and Correction with the Microsoft Kinect Paul Jett

  • to reflect on the different learning experiences they have had and to present that information to their peers,” said Neal Sobania, executive director of the Wang Center for Global Education. The conference, now in its third year, took place Feb. 15-16 and offered a variety of events where students and faculty shared a piece of their study away experiences with the rest of campus. “Study away experiences are very important elements to the PLU program,” said Cliff Rowe, recently retired professor

  • come spring. This year, PLU’s team has its sights set on the National Debate Tournament in Indianapolis at the end of March. PLU consistently does well at national tournaments and made it to the final rounds of the competition in the early 2000s. “We’re hoping to be really competitive at Nationals this year,” Barker said. Read Previous International ‘Speed-Dating’ Read Next PLU Ranks 3rd Nationwide for Peace Corps Volunteers COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for