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  • snacks. Hauge行政大楼内的咖啡车,且提供熟食,三明治和预先包装的小吃点心。Kelley CafeLocated in the Morken Center for Learning and Technology on lower campus, this is another coffee shop that serves deli sandwiches and soup. 位于下校区的Morken学习和技术中心。这是本校区内的另一家咖啡店,供应熟食三明治和汤品。LuteBucks and On-Campus Purchases | LuteBucks和校内物品/商品购买ABC students are given $3,000 in LuteBucks to use in campus dining and for other on-campus purchases (such as at the Lute Locker). LuteBucks can be used for food and non-food items. Just swipe your PLU ID  card

  • STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Get InvolvedThe college experience is about getting involved. No other time in your life are you saturated with so many diverse ideas, perspectives, lifestyles, and goals. PLU gives you many tools to get involved, whether it’s in service, leadership, activism, learning, health, or just for fun! Continue to pursue those things you’re already passionate about and branch out into areas previously uncharted. 60+ clubs and organizations 40+ intramural leagues 1,000

  • Student Rights and ResponsibilitiesAs a member of the PLU community, we assume that you possess an earnest purpose, the ability to exercise mature judgment, the ability to act in a responsible manner, a well-developed concept of and commitment to honor, morality and integrity, and a respect for law and the rights of others. The university adopts only such policies, rules and regulations that seem necessary for the welfare of the educational community. Each student associated with PLU is

  • Temporary Storage: N95 Respirators may be removed and stored for short times only (e.g., when the employee goes on break) as long as the respirator is removed correctly and stored in a way that doesn’t contaminate surfaces or the inside of the facepiece (e.g., in a clean paper bag labeled with the employees’ name, date, and “front” or “back” to consistently situate the mask inside the bag). If a worker must re-use their respirator during their shift, they may store it in a bag, as described

  • Pacific Lutheran University provides Information Technology (IT) services in support of the university’s educational mission.  IT services include computer labs, data and voice networks, classroom and instructional technologies, and the Banner student information system.  Policies related to these services extend also to copyright infringement, content accessed or downloaded over the network (even with personally owned computers), and appropriate use of all modes of electronic communication

  • Health Insurance & Medical Information Health Insurance International Students will be enrolled in PLU’s International Student Health Insurance unless they submit proof of equivalent medical insurance that provides coverage in the United States. With PLU International Student Health Insurance, the PLU Health Services Clinic will be your primary care office where you can go for any health concerns. Health Services is located on campus and houses a very friendly, knowledgeable staff. How to Waive

  • Kinesiology Requirements for Written Assignments (pdf) view download

  • STORY & CONTRIBUTORS Over the years, many individuals and organizations have contributed to the scientific research and conservation efforts of Clover Creek Watershed. However, with so many different contributors, it can be difficult to find one collective place for all the research that has been done. As a result, compiling a comprehensive list of contributors has been an ongoing effort. Over the past 25 years, Clover Creek has been the focus of ongoing scientific research and conservation

  • stay out of the face and eyes; if shoulder length or longer it must be tied back inconspicuously so it does not fall forward when providing care. Moustaches and beards must be neatly trimmed. Fingernails are to be short (no longer than ¼ inch beyond the fingertip) and clean. Acrylic and false fingernails are not permitted as they pose a potential source of injury and infection. Nail polish, if worn, shall not be chipped and should be a professional color. No nail jewelry as it has a potential for