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  • personally:Through doing research in Oaxaca, I developed life-long friendships and unforgettable memories. I’m already planning trip number three! In addition to the wonderful connections that I made with my host family, friends from the nearby language school, and the staff at INSO, I also further realized my interest in sustainable agriculture, which I have since grown passionate about. The water theme worked it’s way into my Hispanic Studies Capstone, entitled Narrative Representations of the Oaxacan Water

  • , welcome!Are you at the point where you think that a history major is the right path for you? Maybe your interest in the past started well before you joined the PLU community, but your studies here have confirmed it. Perhaps you did not have much enthusiasm for historical learning before you took a class here but suddenly realized that “just memorizing things” is NOT the way we engage history at PLU. Whatever your reasons are, we know they are good! You want to declare a major. Start on the smooth path

  • further with what they’ve learned and discussed. He wants them to continue the conversations begun in the class, and to remain curious.  Above all, he wants students to know that they have agency and can find their own meaning in texts and in the world.  Talking to Professor Luke Parker was a refreshing and eye-opening opportunity, and I was happy to hear first-hand about his passion for his studies and his teaching.  On my way out the door, he reminded me to remember my own passion and to follow it

  • Thaddeus Golbeck, Senior Capstone Seminar Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases in our world with no certain cure found. Studies have found commonalities that many of the tumors show a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) near the site of the tumor. Various synthetic methods such as a step-by-step reaction, automated solid-phase, and chemoselective combined with a one-pot synthesis have been developed to synthesize hyaluronic acid. Synthesized hyaluronic acid immobilized to

  • than minimal risk unless it provides a direct benefit to the child. Written parental/guardian permission is required for studies involving children. Once parental/guardian permission has been obtained, the agreement or assent of the child is required. This requires the researcher to explain the study in child-friendly language using an Child Oral Assent Script. While the parents/guardians must provide legal consent for the child to participate in research, the child must always assent to his/her

  • —potentially vulnerable populations (see below for specific precautions to be taken for these groups):+ Children and adolescents (under 18)Children (and anyone under 18 years of age) can participate as research subjects only if the research meets certain standards, defined in the federal regulations [45 CFR 46(d)]. Specifically, the research may not be greater than minimal risk unless it provides a direct benefit to the child. Written parental/guardian permission is required for studies involving children

  • study away for Fall 2020 are now registering for on-campus courses and housing to ensure that their studies will continue uninterrupted, should our programs be cancelled due to the pandemic. Remote-health resources. Just prior to the emergence of COVID-19, PLU launched a new service called Lute Telehealth, which provides students with access to no-cost, on-demand physical and mental healthcare by phone or video chat, regardless of their location. Our on-the-ground Counseling and Health Centers also

  • engineering courses, courses in business, economics, and ethics with a special emphasis on industry and/or an internship. Students choosing the minor will learn the basics of engineering design and team problem solving, will gain familiarity with industry, and will obtain valuable skills ensuring their success in the workplace or in graduate studies. An Advisory Board comprised of engineering and science professionals associated with PLU will advise students in the Engineering Internship process for

  • Center for Media Studies, was another mentor to Reed. It was in his “Journalism Writing” course that Reed found her niche in photojournalism, a style that guides her work today. Between Stasinos and Wells, Reed began to iron out her next few years at PLU. “The faculty are amazing,” Reed said. “I don’t know that I would have stayed and finished a (biology) degree if I hadn’t been connected with Professor Stasinos and Professor Wells. They really helped me find the track that worked for me.” This might

  • Pacific Lutheran University’s graduate programs? Connect with us today!Pacific Lutheran University seeks to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care — for other people, for their communities, and for the world.  PLU purposefully integrates the liberal arts, professional studies, and civic engagement in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. With distinctive international programs and close student-faculty research opportunities, PLU helps its 3,100 students from all