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  • throughout the university, that core priorities are being upheld, and that progress is being measured and accounted for, so the school can adapt, respond, improve and thrive. “The work itself involves the intentional integration of strategic leadership, assessment, institutional research and accreditation,” McConnell says. “Ultimately the goal is to support people and processes and help move the university forward with intentionality and integrity to our mission.” McConnell joined the PLU faculty as a

  • applied physics.   Focus areas: PV/ Semiconductors, Polymers, Molecular Sensors and Optics. A professional network. That will provide the foundation for a career. A resume with something on it. Close to 90% of student interns have regular positions within 3 months of completing their internships. More data about what industry is all about. Even if you think you want a Phd, this program allows you to gain insight on what the marketplace is looking for – allowing you to be more strategic in choosing

  • A new space for neurodiverse students on campus Posted by: shortea / April 28, 2023 April 28, 2023 By Alex Reed '23PLU Marketing & Communications Student Writer Last October, a new club emerged on campus: the Student Neurodiversity Club. Although small, this club is having a growing impact on the PLU community. When attending a recent SNC meeting in the first floor Stuen lounge, I was greeted by a cheerful collective of students, as well as fidgets. There was a unique sense of empathy among

  • PLU Billboards are Back—and Bigger Than Ever Posted by: Sandy Dunham / April 21, 2015 Image: “Because My Team Became My Family” is one of two #whyPLU billboards in Seattle’s “sports zone”—this one at First Avenue and East Marginal Way. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) April 21, 2015 By Sandy Deneau DunhamPLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (April 21, 2015)—Last fall, Pacific Lutheran University made a big impression on the Puget Sound area with dozens of giant black-and-gold billboards—and

  • by her husband and many other friends at PLU who knew her. Steve Skramstad Steve Skramstad, PLU senior graphic designer, passed away in May. Beloved by his Marketing & Communications team, University Relations and colleagues across campus, Steve was hired at PLU 20 years ago. Colleagues say Steve loved to stay up to date with industry design trends and relished working with his collaborative partners across campus. Steve played a crucial role in crafting and modernizing PLU’s visual brand

  • Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Vimeo VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2 – SPRING 2018 SENIOR EDITOR Kari Plog ’11 WRITERS Kari Plog ’11 Debbie Cafazzo Karen Miller Christian Caple Genny Boots ’18 PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer CONTRIBUTORS Justin Buchanan ’12 Rhiannon Berg ’18 Joshua Wiersma ’18 COURTESY PHOTOS Charles Bergman EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara ’16 Chris Albert CLASS NOTES

  • Simon Sung ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara ’16 Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Kathy Allen ’17 PROOFREADER Rebecca Young EDITORIAL OFFICES Neeb Center 253-535-8410 PLU OFFICERS Allan Belton Acting President Joanna Gregson, Ph.D. Acting Provost Daniel Lee Vice President for Advancement Joanna C. Royce-Davis, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students OFFICE OF ALUMNI AND CONSTITUENT

  • Amy Spieker ’09 on community health advocacy, service and building relationships Posted by: Marcom Web Team / February 25, 2020 February 25, 2020 By Lisa Patterson '98Marketing & Communications Guest Writer TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 18, 2020) — If you’ve ever wondered whether leaders are born or made, the answer is both. At least it is when you’re referring to Pacific Lutheran University graduate Amy Spieker ’09. Growing up in a Navy family, Spieker moved her fair share of times, and in doing so was

  • business, nonprofit organizations, media and communications, publishing, law, government, technology, and education – and pursued graduate degrees in a whole range of fields! Learn more about these recent PLU English alums — And how their English degree prepared them for their exciting careers! Business Brittany Russell (2015) Senior Content Marketing Manager Amazon.comMoreLaw and Government Joshua Orf-Rodriguez (2010) Assistant Attorney General Washington StateMorePublishing Rachel Diebel (2016

  • Pacific Lutheran University and its service providers strive to maintain an atmosphere in which learning and research flourish. Essential to realizing this goal are electronic communications, administrative information systems, network services, and other electronic resources provided by the university. Essential, too, is that PLU community members are secure, safe, and free from harassment in their use of these systems. To this end, members of the PLU community should have no expectation of