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  • and Aretha Franklin. Stockinger has been performing Jazz since the age of 17, and began regularly gigging at local venues throughout Western Washington, particularly in Tacoma and Seattle. Stockinger regularly sits in at Kelley’s in downtown Tacoma. She was mentored by big-band legend and bassist Red Kelley, who was best known for playing with Buddy Rich and Stan Kenton during the reign of the big band. July 19 – Tracy Knoop Tracy Knoop received his musical training at Berklee School of Music in

  • , running 11:30.73. Her goal is to break the 11-minute barrier, and that would put her within range of qualifying for the NCAA Division III national meet. “If I break 11 (minutes), I might as well go for nationals,” Miller said. Miller says patience is most important to her while tutoring. It is because mathematics comes so easily to her that she is a tutor, and yet it is that very quality that can cause her frustration with students who give up too easily on a problem. “The biggest thing is learning

  • ” – Chris Knutzen (CK) Hall, UC (A keynote address presented in cooperation with and through the generous sponsorship of The Thor Heyerdahl Institute of Larvik, Norway.) Speaker (keynote II): Professor Terje Tvedt, Professor in History, University of Oslo and Professor in Geography, University of Bergen. Series Editor of the multi-volume series ” A History of Water” and author of two water documentaries shown world wide. 12:30-1:35 p.m. – Concurrent Session 2 2A) “Climate Change and Population Growth as

  • Major Minute: Mathematics As a student in PLU’s Mathematics Program, ancient principles merge seamlessly with cutting-edge techniques, equipping you with the skills needed to comprehend and contribute to the latest developments in mathematics and statistics. Every course will empower you with the knowledge and insights essential for success… May 10, 2024 AcademicsMathematics

  • double majored in music and theatre, was very involved in both programs at PLU. He sang in the Choir of the West and helped create Night of Musical Theatre, an annual, student-produced musical revue. Hobson said his liberal arts education at PLU taught him “how to learn,” providing him skills he continues to carry throughout his career. “There was an atmosphere of make your own way and find things you like to do,” Hobson said of PLU. “I produce and I act and I write and I direct. I don’t know if I

  • the Nazi’s genocidal plan in her first lecture as the new Kurt Mayer Endowed Chair of Holocaust Studies. To hit the ground running, Griech-Polelle, who joined the Lute family this July, will be giving a lecture for students and the community titled “The First Victims: The Nazi Euthanasia Campaign Lecture.” The talk will explore Nazi programs that the regime installed to prepare for mass killings during World War II. Among the programs the Nazi regime created was a secret project called “Aktion T-4

  • meet current students and to greet your friends and colleagues. But please come. The music will be sent out to those that have registered on or before March 15, 2023. The deadline to register is February 15, 2023.  Lunch OptionsSchedule of EventsSaturday, May 20, 2023 3:00 pm A rehearsal for current members and alums Repertoire may include: Dvořák Symphony no. 8-movement IV, Copland Outdoor Overture, and Larry Meyer’s Processional of Joy Lagerquist Hall, Mary Baker Russell 5:30 pm Dinner with a

  • , about 25 miles northeast of PLU’s campus). “I thought, ‘this would be cool to get into,’” Daly said. After making a few connections, she learned that the Fury sought an athletic trainer. She interviewed with the head coach and got the job. Today, she is the organization’s head athletic trainer. Beyond her full-time work with the Fury, Daly is an assistant athletic trainer at the California Institute of Technology (known colloquially as Caltech). Despite her part-time status at the Division III

  • now the school system in Macedonia is segregated linguistically, which also means that it’s segregated ethnically… so [my project] was an analysis of how this organization is trying to promote integration within the school system.” Always wanting to do more, Ryan also made time to volunteer at the American Corner Library in Skopje, helping with English language classes and Model UN competitions. Kelly Ryan ’10 landed his dream job working for the State Department. Although he was nearly 6,000

  • Add Edit Remove Back New Delete Dual Degree Engineering Academic Programs all programs program website Dual Degree Engineering Undergraduate Major College of Natural Sciences Bachelor of Arts Video Transcription Major Minute: Engineering at PLU Transcription [video: Professor Hay is sitting in her office with bookshelves and teaching materials in the background. In the bottom left corner, gold text reads: “Katrina Hay, Associate Professor of Physics”] (upbeat music) Professor Hay: Hi, I’m