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  • violin lecturer wears more hats than a British royal: in-demand violinist and violist, co-founder of the ground-breaking Carpe Diem String Quartet, teacher, composer. She’s been invited to play at festivals from Aspen to Lincoln Center and in chamber groups throughout the U.S. With commissions rolling in, she has been listed as one of “25 contemporary composers to watch” by Strings Magazine. For Fujiwara, success is less about prime gigs and good reviews, and more about sharing music. We managed to

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • Holocaust Studies Professorship turns into Holocaust ChairNew gifts in 2010 in support of the Kurt Mayer Professorship in Holocaust Studies have pushed that endowment total beyond $2 million, making it the third endowed chair at PLU. The Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies again secures the university’s position as one of the premier centers for Holocaust studies in the nation. Holocaust studies is not a new idea at PLU. It is an area of academic distinction and excellence that has been built

  • , Psychology, Seattle Pacific University, 2005 Selected Publications Artime, T.M. & Buchholz, K. (2016). Treatment for sexual assault victims at university counseling centers. College Student Psychotherapy, 30, 252-261. doi: 10.1080/87568225.2016.1219610 Artime, T.M. & Peterson, Z.D. (2015). Feelings of wantedness and consent during nonconsensual sex: Implications for posttraumatic cognitions. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 7, 570-577. doi: 10.1037/tra0000047 Artime, T.M

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