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  • support, I’m here to help you step back and work on those hard-to-change patterns that can make life more hurtful than harmonious. Prior to making Washington my home, I had the opportunity to work both in the United States and abroad in various fields, including education, nonprofits, social services, and communications. I hold a B.A. in Government and Spanish from Augustana University, an M.Div from Luther Seminary, and am currently working towards my M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy at Pacific

  • Communications and Political Sciences from The Evergreen State College. Méndez has been working in Spanish language media since 1993; his work includes mainly radio, TV and theatre. Méndez hosted Latinos Días, an all Spanish morning radio show, on the first 24/7 Spanish radio station in the in the Puget Sound area on Radio Sol 1360 AM and now hosts La Voz de Washington on KXPA 1540 AM. He is dynamic and professional with broad and deep connections with the local Hispanic community. Méndez was born in Bogotá

  • priorities for the office saying that membership recruitment and retention should be an office-wide priority. When I came in as AAUP president we sent Academe [the magazine] out every other month. The idea was that we would tell people what wonderful things we have done every other month and they will love us as a result. But actually, that’s not a 21st century or even late 20th century model of communicating with the membership of an organization. So I pledged in my 2005-06 campaign that the first thing

  • Enterprise ColorComm: Business Community for Women of Color in the Communications Industry The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) Future For Us INROADS National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Inc. National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) National Black MBA

  • Sunny, Fuzzy, Pre-Finals Friends Posted by: Sandy Dunham / December 9, 2014 December 9, 2014 PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 8, 2014)—To spread cheer and relieve stress before Finals Week, Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University and the PLU Counseling Center partnered with volunteer organizations, including Therapy Dogs International, to bring certified therapy animals to campus on Dec. 12. The therapy-pet program was a huge hit, with unconditionally loving puppies

  • ``To Light a Candle``The PLU Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) Department, along with several other departments, are sponsoring the documentary “To Light a Candle” on Thursday April 9, 2015 from 6-8 p.m. in the PLU Regency Room.Watch the Trailer#educationisnotacrimeThis film is “a powerful documentary about Baha’is in Iran” and “highlights the religious minority’s determination to pursue further education despite the Islamic Republic’s sustained campaign of oppression against them.” The film

  • what is purchased from them. The Bike Co-op is re-launching in Harstad Residence Hall and Cooley plans to launch a campaign to encourage people to shut off campus computers when they are not in use. There are nearly 3,600 computers on campus. “There are more computers than people,” she said. Computers running 24 hours a day, seven days a week cost PLU $124,000 annually.  Cutting that to eight hours a day, only five days a week, and then further subtracting holidays, would save more than $90,000 a

  • $300,000. The money was used to provide and establish prevention programs on campus, training and services to victims of sexual assault, she said. Some of the key programs the Women’s Center provides throughout the year include the Vagina Monologues, Men Against Violence speakers, and the Purple Shirt campaign to promote Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Last year, more than 1,100 people around campus wore the distinctive purple shirts. “We were very proud that so many wore that shirt,” Hughes said

  • superstars Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. The agency’s first project was building Kobe Bryant’s Website,, and creating original content and films that are featured on it. Ford uses multiple formats to shoot campaign ads – even his Super-8 camera. “I fell in love with filmmaking at PLU. My friends and I would make videos and skits that led to more nuttiness,” says Ford. Ford became a copywriter in 1999 and spent the next seven years writing ads for Wieden + Kennedy, a Portland Ore., ad agency. In

  • intentional about it,” he said. He wanted the logo to incorporate a few PLU specific elements. First, rather than the American Idol-esque purple they went with gold, and then green to highlight the Green Dot campaign that PLU is participating in and finally the Rose Window, which was recently refurbished and installed. Hebrew Idol is a video project for Religion 211 – Religion and Literature in the Hebrew Bible. Students produce their own interpretations of biblical stories, putting anything from a