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  • The famous anthropologist Alfred Kroeber said, ‘Anthropology is the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities.

    diversity and how it relates to culture (the bio-cultural approach). Linguistic anthropology examines human language, its origins and how it reflects the nature of various cultural values. All four subdisciplines have applied foci, which entails the use of anthropological knowledge and skills to improve the human condition. As a whole, these four sub-disciplines take a strong anti-racist stance informed by both scientific and humanistic perspectives. This perspective is what makes the overall discipline

    Professor Bradford Andrews, Director
    Xavier Hall, Room 142 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma WA 98447
  • PLU Campus Ministry is a community that welcomes, celebrates and engages the diverse spiritual and faith traditions of PLU students, staff and faculty members.

    , traditions, and practices. Inspiring an ethic of justice and sustainability within human and ecological communities. Campus Ministry Welcome StatementPLU Campus Ministry seeks to welcome and affirm every member of the PLU community as we collectively respond to the spiritual call to justice and transformation. We recognize that expressions of religion, including Lutheran Christianity in which our university is rooted, have often been responsible for harm to people and our planet. In grappling with this

    Student Life
    Campus Ministry Office Anderson University Center Suite 190
  • The Department of Global and Cultural Studies is a dynamic curricular hub for global education made up of the following programs: Chinese and Chinese Studies, French and Francophone Studies, Global

    Global Studies Global Studies Program French and Francophone Studies French and Francophone Studies Program Chinese and Chinese Studies Chinese and Chinese Studies Program Hispanic and Latino Studies Hispanic and Latino Studies Program Global and Cultural StudiesThe Department of Global and Cultural Studies is a dynamic curricular hub for global education made up of the following programs: Chinese and Chinese Studies, French and Francophone Studies, Global Studies, and Hispanic and Latino

    Department of Global & Cultural Studies
    Administration Building Room 222-C Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • PLU’s General Education Program prepares graduates to ask significant questions, engage relevant knowledge, and wrestle with complex issues.

    of academic disciplines has developed through a set of lenses through which we view the world. Through exposure to current procedures, methods, and accumulated knowledge of those disciplines, PLU welcomes students into on-going conversations about nature and the human condition. While immersed in these rigorous conversations, students are challenged to think critically, discern and formulate values, express themselves effectively and creatively, interact with others respectfully, and understand

    General Education
    Administration Building, Room 103 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Pacific Lutheran University is responsible for the oversight and evaluation of the animal care and use program and its components.

    Welcome!The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Pacific Lutheran University is responsible for the oversight and evaluation of the animal care and use program and its components. The principal responsibilities of the committee are to: Ensure the humane and ethical treatment of laboratory animals Monitor the environment provided for laboratory animals by periodic inspection of the areas in which they are housed Facilitate the establishment of mechanisms to protect personnel

    Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
    Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • South Sound STEM Fair Alliance In Partnership with PLU Invites you to participate in the Discovery Regional Science and Engineering Fair.

    Discovery RegionalScience and Engineering FairDue to the retirement of a majority of the South Sound Stem Fair Alliance Board of Directors and all of the Discovery Regional Science & Engineering Fair Management Committee, the 2025 Discovery Regional Science and Engineering Fair (DRSEF) will not be held. Students from the DRSEF region (All students 1st thru 12th grade from public, private, and home schools in Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, and Thurston Counties

    Discovery Regional Science and Engineering Fair
    Mailing Address: South Sound STEM Fair Alliance PO Box 73232 Puyallup, WA 98373
  • Free at last? Lutheran Perspectives on Racial Justice Sixth Annual Lutheran Studies Conference at PLU – Thursday, September 29, 2016 At this conference, scholars, students, musicians, and college

    respect for the dignity of every human being and our work for justice and peace. At this conference, scholars, students, musicians, and college leaders will present their research and reflection on one of the most critical dimensions of our common life: the quest for racial justice in a region of the country that continues to bear the open wounds of racist policies and actions. The conference is free and open to the public and is made possible by the generosity of the anonymous donors who endowed the

    Dr. Samuel Torvend, University Chair in Lutheran Studies
  • Our curriculum provides students with the skills to contribute to a complex society that encourages justice, diversity, and sustainability at the local, state, national and international levels.

    hosted by Dr. Michael Artime and Dr. Maria Chávez. Welcome to Political ScienceThe student of politics seeks to understand how governments are organized and structured, how political processes are employed, and the relationship of structures and processes to societal purposes. Since political activity may embody and reflect the full range of human values, the study of politics includes realities of politics while at the same time asking how well political systems work, what purposes are and ought to

    Professor Maria Chávez, Chair
    Xavier, Room 102 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • At the Department of Psychology we are committed to providing our students with a meaningful and rigorous undergraduate education that balances science with application.

    methodology, statistics, and historical and systemic perspectives. In addition, professors offer seminar level courses in their own specialties, ranging from physiological to social issues relevant in psychology. Our psychology courses focus on the development of skills in critical thinking, theory building, research methods, statistical analysis and using psychology in human contexts. Throughout the program direct experience and interactive teaching methods are emphasized. Our goal is to prepare you to

    Ramstad Hall
  • The symposium “Understanding the World Through Sports and Recreation” will explore the impact of sports and consider the ways in which sports and recreation both contribute to, and can be used to

    2010 International Symposium Understanding the World Through Sports and Recreation As early as the 1920s, journalists described sports in America as an obsession. But of course the United States is not alone in being captivated by its ever-increasing international appeal. The symposium “Understanding the World Through Sports and Recreation” will explore the impact of sports and consider the ways in which sports and recreation both contribute to, and can be used to understand, the complexities

    Wang Center Symposium