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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 17, 2015)- Pacific Lutheran University was ranked one of the “Best 295 Business Schools” by the Princeton Review and named one of the best value colleges in Washington state by The Best 295 Business Schools rankings were created using a survey of…

    PLU Included on Best-of Lists for Value and Business Schools Posted by: Zach Powers / November 17, 2015 Image: (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) November 17, 2015 By Matthew Salzano '18PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 17, 2015)- Pacific Lutheran University was ranked one of the “Best 295 Business Schools” by the Princeton Review and named one of the best value colleges in Washington state by The Best 295 Business Schools rankings were created using a survey

  • TACOMA, WASH. (June 24, 2016)- As Hannah Park poses for a few quick photos outside the main office of Franklin Pierce High School, it seems she is well-liked by everyone in the close-knit community. “Hey Hannah, should you be in class?” a staff member playfully…

    close to home while earning an education degree. Hannah Park (photo by Zach Powers/PLU) “Teaching is the way I’d like to give back to my community,” Park says. “Having teachers who were there for me, and talked to me about problems in and outside of the classroom is something I’ve really appreciated and something I hope to do for students in the future.” Both self-assured and gently soft-spoken, Park has a clear vision for her four years at PLU. “I would like to teach high school English, literature

  • ; rather, evil in the first wave of Holocaust literature is identified with a system of shadow and death. In the second mode, that shadow is personified, given a name, attached to a body, and called Eichmann, Goebbels, Globocnik, Heydrich, Himmler, Höss, and so on, or some fictionalized character based on these real people and so many more. Furthermore, the first mode is typically a survivor testimony or published early on in the chronology of Holocaust literature, where the second may be written by

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 27, 2016)- Hosted by the Pacific Lutheran University Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and featuring Holocaust researchers and historians from all over the country, the ninth annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education will explore “Women and the Holocaust” Oct. 17-19 at…

    PLU to explore the many roles of women in the Holocaust during annual conference Posted by: Zach Powers / September 27, 2016 Image: September 27, 2016 By Zach Powers '10PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 27, 2016)- Hosted by the Pacific Lutheran University Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and featuring Holocaust researchers and historians from all over the country, the ninth annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education will

  • me about ways people perceive and interact with the environment and asked me to critically consider negative social externalities that arise from pollution and other concerns. I really enjoyed these classes but wanted the opportunity to take more math and science courses and ended up shifting the environmental studies degree to a minor and adding a chemistry major. The Hispanic Studies degree was really inspired by my high school Spanish teacher. I took AP Spanish 4 and 5 in high school and loved

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 9, 2016)- Mosquitoes are pests to some, but for Rebekah Blakney ’12 they carry a wealth of information that can unlock solutions to global health issues. Now with the outbreak of the Zika virus, that’s as important as ever.  Blakney isn’t at…

    contributing to work that aims to educate and inform people about infectious diseases.   The third-generation Pacific Lutheran University graduate conducts backyard surveillance of mosquitoes in Atlanta, where she works as a field manager at Emory University. Her team collects and identifies the insects, working in and outside the lab studying the spread of West Nile virus. Blakney said it was PLU’s commitment to global citizenship, social justice and environmental conservation that helped her discover her

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 21, 2016)- Senior Tyler Dobies and first-year Caitlin Johnston say spring break changed their lives. While some Pacific Lutheran University students may have gone on vacation or had fun in the sun, other Lutes – like Johnston and Dobies – were busy…

    Lutheran University students may have gone on vacation or had fun in the sun, other Lutes – like Johnston and Dobies – were busy with alternative spring break programs designed to broaden their perspectives.They say what they learned has opened their eyes and will help them to positively impact the PLU community. Dobies, a theater major, said he wanted to go on a trip and learn more about environmental justice outside of PLU. So, he went on one of the short-term spring break trips offered by the Wang

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 25, 2016)- Erik Hammerstrom, assistant professor of East Asian and comparative religions, teaches Pacific Lutheran University students the fundamentals of Buddhism from the shores of Honolulu, Hawaii, to the streets of Chengdu, China. Now, the course has arrived in a more familiar…

    PLU professor launches new class that immerses students in the local Buddhist community Posted by: Kari Plog / April 25, 2016 Image: Erik Hammerstrom’s class visits Tacoma’s Hongwanji Buddhist Temple on April 24. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) April 25, 2016 By Genny Boots '18PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (April 25, 2016)- Erik Hammerstrom, assistant professor of East Asian and comparative religions, teaches Pacific Lutheran University students the fundamentals of Buddhism from the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 7, 2016)- Have you ever dreamed of running away with the circus? Nicole Laumb ’11 did and plans to do it again. “The giggles were endless,” she told her loyal Facebook followers at the end of the tour with the Flynn Creek…

    been a huge influence on her, she said.    “(They) really inspired me to want to explore other sides of circus,” Laumb said, such as exploring higher levels of athleticism and creativity. “They are a huge part of my circus journey.” Laumb lived the tour-bus life for three months and had a blast on the road. Nicole Laumb '11 does her Spanish web routine for the Flynn Creek Circus. (Photo courtesy of Clark Mishler) Every now and then, the circus crew would attend some of the events happening in the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (June 28, 2016)- There were lots of tears as band members from Tamana Girls High School in Japan said farewell to their new friends from Graham-Kapowsin High School, located about 13 miles southeast of Pacific Lutheran University. Miho Takekawa, percussion instructor at PLU…

    Tamana Girls High School in Japan said farewell to their new friends from Graham-Kapowsin High School, located about 13 miles southeast of Pacific Lutheran University.Miho Takekawa, percussion instructor at PLU, said that despite language and cultural barriers, the students all formed deep bonds during a weeklong musical exchange program earlier this month. She said it was clear that they understand unconditional love without language. “It’s always hard to say goodbye,” said Takekawa, who has been