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  • care and, honestly, through their simple basic Luteness . Some of those world-changing improvements are subtly meaningful; others reverberate across a community, a country and even a planet. From Tacoma education pioneer Willie Stewart ’69 to Android co-founder Nick Sears ’87, ’95 and from Alaska Airlines CEO Brad Tilden ’83 to Metropolitan Opera superstar Angela Meade ’01 , Lutes are making big differences and creating legacies that command large-scale attention. Office of Alumni & Constituent

  • Obituaries – Resolute Online: Spring 2022 Search Back to Landing Page Big Names On Campus Accolades Lute Library Class Notes Class Notes Obituaries Submit a Class Note Obituaries Cliff Rowe Emeritus Professor in Communication Cliff Rowe passed away in January. He will be remembered for his remarkable career in journalism and higher education; his unwavering commitment to mentorship; and his passion and enthusiasm for teaching, collaboration, and storytelling. Professor Rowe joined the faculty

  • that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the institution’s education program or activity (i.e. creates a hostile environment); or  “Sexual assault” as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), “dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(30).  Sexual Exploitation - A form of Sexual HarassmentSexual Exploitation occurs when a person takes non-consensual

  • general conduct expectations? How do other similar schools handle the issue? How often is this issue a problem? What are the liability issues associated with the issue? Research Resources Attorney (higher education attorney listserve) ASCA (Association for Student Conduct Administrators listserve) ELCA Senior Student Affairs listserve Region V of NASPA NASPA website – student conduct issues NW Conference (athletic competitor schools) ANAC member schools Disability Support Services Various journals

  • PLU’s Wang Center Symposium to explore “The Matter of Loneliness: Building Connections for Collective Well-Being” The 11th Biennial Wang Center symposium, “ The Matter of Loneliness: Building Connections for Collective Well-Being ,” will be held at Pacific Lutheran University on March 7-8. Hosted by PLU’s Wang Center for Global and Community-Engaged Education , the two-day conference will bring together academics,… February 26, 2024 News, Announcements, Accolades

  • Universal language: how teaching music in rural Namibia was a life-changing experience for Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 When the principal of N/a’an ku sê, a rural school in Namibia that serves the San people, asked PLU music education major Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 to expand their existing music program to include children in junior primary (grades K-3), she initially felt daunted at… April 16, 2024 Research & AcademicsResoLute

  • Beyond pedagogy: from Tacoma to Namibia, a partnership reframing teacher development practices In Kwangali and Oshindonga, widely spoken languages in Namibia, “Uukumwe” means “togetherness.” For six teachers in Washington and seven teachers from Namibia, the word personifies the relationship-building that lies at the heart of education. “It was a vision that was bubbling in my mind because… September 28, 2023 Alumni, Internships, Career

  • Faculty Feature: Meet Dr. Richard Nance, Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies What is your educational background? I received my Bachelors of Music Education (1977) and Master of Arts in Choral Conducting (1982) from West Texas State University (now West Texas A&M ) in Canyon, Texas. I received the Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting from… April 30, 2020 Choir of the WestFaculty

  • majority of that time. “We really appreciate this method of branding it, and so we decided to go ahead and utilize their tools to help students understand their role in preventing violence on our campus,” said Stephens. “We’ve gone through different versions of how we do prevention, but when the bystander education version of prevention came about, it resonated with me a lot.” Stephens says that previous prevention work around the country hasn’t changed the sexual-assault numbers. Many colleges and

  • exhibition Edvard Munch and the Sea. Enjoy complimentary refreshments, discover museum resources, and meet fellow educators. Free. Pre-register by emailing with your full name and school. Munch and Medicine, Saturday, April 23, 4 pm, Location: Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran University Allison Morehead, Associate Professor of Art History at Queen’s University, will speak on the topic of “Munch and Medicine.” Learn about her ongoing research as part of an