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  • policy innovation and evaluation (PIE) and communications intern. “It’s great work!” she said. “I maintain and manage the Tacoma Housing Authority’s social media, and I help with website updates. I’ve even been able to do some in-person work taking photos of local small business owners.” Kang aims to help make THA’s online presence feel accessible and approachable. “I’m really enjoying sharing the things I’ve learned at PLU with my coworkers, and online,” she said. “I think it’s important that we

  • Award for Chemistry in the Public Interest, the Lemelson-MIT Award for Invention and Innovation, the Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award, the Christopher Columbus Foundation Homeland Security Award, the Council for Chemical Research Diversity Award, and many more.  He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Montana State University and his PhD from California Institute of Technology.  Montana State University awarded him an honorary Doctorate of Science in 2006.  For more information

  • defining a thriving, widely-accessible form of Lutheran Higher Education today. An Education with Foundational Core Elements/Values This value-based approach to teaching and learning differs from State/Research Universities Uniquely values the importance of critical questioning Values liberal arts as a foundation for free thinking, innovation and service (a liberating education) Luther’s two theses in “The Freedom of a Christian” were that people were free and yet called to serve others We continue to

  • stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. The ratings are broken down into Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum on a multiple point scale. Within the rating system, buildings and institutions are graded on sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmosphere, materials & resources, indoor environmental quality and innovation & design process. For more information on LEED certification and ratings, please visit the USGBC website. Anderson University Center Anderson University

  • in Canada and across the North Atlantic back to Norway. It was a race against time and in waters with drifting ice, increasing darkness and autumn gales. They have credited their successful voyage on innovation, using state-of-the-art communication technology, good teamwork and a combination of thorough preparation and improvisation. Thorleifsson is an experienced mariner and an organizational developer. His ideas and perspectives are based on his own experiences from business, organizational

  • March 7, 2012 Opening a window, when the door goes shut By Chris Albert In today’s world, innovation, creativity and ideas are the venture capital of tomorrow, PLU President Loren J. Anderson told the assembled crowd of business leaders at the annual meeting of the Economic Development Board for Tacoma-Pierce County. At the March 2 meeting, Anderson was the recipient of the first Golden Shovel Award for his, and PLU’s role, in making the South Puget Sound region a healthy community and vibrant

  • students and to the mission of our university,” said President Allan Belton. “She will bring a proven track record of academic leadership, innovation, and expertise to this exciting new role.” As a longtime faculty leader on campus, McConnell has served on a variety of faculty governance committees, including Educational Policies, Faculty Affairs, General Education, and the Faculty Executive Committee. In addition to serving as associate dean or dean since 2007, her administrative leadership experience

  • , they should build skills and attitudes that allow them to care for the most vulnerable and promote innovation and change in organizations.” Read Previous Wang Symposium reaches across disciplines to find the power of healing Read Next PLU School of Business renews a mark of distinction with AACSB accreditation COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the

  • Previous Cameron Bennett helps establish a culture of innovation at PLU Read Next PLU launches pre-law minor for fall 2022 COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty September 23, 2024 PLU Welcomes the Class of 2028: Trailblazers

  • , to name a few – appeared there not only due to the excellence of his writing, but also because of his willingness to go where and do what few others would. It took more than just adventurousness; it also took innovation, creativity, and commitment. When the need for a professional photographer for his nature writing became apparent, he became a professional level photographer himself. His fluency in Spanish tells a similar story; some of his projects could not get off the ground without it, so he