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  • want to save or share. Quotation: By clicking on this icon, you can obtain a basic citation of the related result. These citations are not full citations, so always correct them before using them. Chain links: By clicking on this icon, you’ll be able to obtain a permalink (direct link) to a particular resource. This will be the most direct way to access a result after saving it. Note: Never save the URL at the top of the page when sharing a search result; use the permalink instead. Pin: When

  • University Dispute Resolution Committee be a resource for all members of the PLU community. The UDRC may assist any faculty, administrator, staff or student who needs consultation or referral to resolve an on-campus conflict, or who desires conflict resolution services. The UDRC also processes all formal grievances as allowed by the University’s Grievance Policy, except those that (1) relate to faculty tenure, dismissal or discipline, (2) which otherwise arise under the grievance procedure set forth in

  • procedures when necessary. It is the intent that the University Dispute Resolution Committee be a resource for all members of the PLU community. The UDRC may assist any faculty, administrator, staff or student who needs consultation or referral to resolve an on-campus conflict, or who desires conflict resolution services. The UDRC also processes all formal grievances as allowed by the University’s Grievance Policy, except those that (1) relate to faculty tenure, dismissal or discipline, (2) which

  • Earth self-identify as religious. It would be unfortunate, if not foolish, to overlook that statistic. Many of the people you and I encounter in life are part of that large number.” Torvend, the son of a Lutheran pastor and a priest in the Episcopal Church, has dedicated his career to PLU, teaching here for the past 21 years. He serves PLU in multiple ways. He is a professor of the history of Christianity, and has served twice as the director of the Wild Hope Center for Vocation as well as its

  • Future Exploring Nature and Number Investigating Human Behavior, Culture, and Institutions Encountering Perspectives on Diversity Producing and Presenting Culminating Scholarship: Senior Seminar/Project For details about the elements see the PLU Catalog. How do I receive advising on the General Education Program?The Academic Advising Office or a faculty advisor will assist a student in completing the General Education Program Elements. Once a major is declared, the faculty advisor in that department

  • backbone. It’s the foundation that leads to all those other dimensions of our ethical commitments.” Logan SeelyeSenior Web Designer“I want to help as many people as I possibly can—whether or not they’re in a similar situation to mine.” Yes, Your Whole Self In turbulent times, Lutheran higher education supplies lifelong learners with the tools to embrace uncertainty, critically and fearlessly questioning the world around them. The PLU vibe operates comfortably in gray areas. It’s inherent in the spirit

  • only rational—or the only logical—conclusion is murder. Meaning, then, only exists to the extent that we allow it to exist. It is perfectly natural, after all, to believe that some things matter more than others. What is insidious is refusing to acknowledge that forms of meaning besides one’s own—especially when one’s own is the product of a logical taxonomy—are capable of truly existing. 7 Lisa Marie Cacho, Social Death: Racialized Rightlessness and the Criminalization of the Unprotected (New York

  • only rational—or the only logical—conclusion is murder. Meaning, then, only exists to the extent that we allow it to exist. It is perfectly natural, after all, to believe that some things matter more than others. What is insidious is refusing to acknowledge that forms of meaning besides one’s own—especially when one’s own is the product of a logical taxonomy—are capable of truly existing. 7 Lisa Marie Cacho, Social Death: Racialized Rightlessness and the Criminalization of the Unprotected (New York

  • . You will be a certified educated person. You will be prepared to join the work force, go on to graduate school, and do what all graduated students do. It’s your degree. Do something you love. It’s better to be a good music major than a bad chemistry major. Is a music career risky? Maybe, but then how many people do you know that are out of work right now that aren’t musicians? There are many music-related jobs other than performing and teaching, too. A music degree is more viable than you may

  • test this, we synthesized a carbon inverse opal papers from PMMA colloidal crystal templates and compared it to a carbon nanofoam paper. We deliberately designed both carbon nanomaterials to have similar average pore sizes; surface chemistries; electronic conductivities; and electrode thicknesses. However, recent experiments indicate that the nanofoams and inverse opals have dramatically different surface areas. (554 + 7 m2/g vs. 190 + 2 m2/g respectively). As a result, the nanofoam has an