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  • years of hard work, we finished constructing the lightboard at the end of December! Our third piece of material, the Starphire glass from the second glass vendor, works wonderfully. In combination with the newly installed dimmer the glass is completely see-through, and the lightboard is fully functional and usable. Now we’re in the testing phase, to nail down best practices for users. We’ll be releasing a video in a few weeks about how to use the lightboard, as well as our construction process

  • Orchestra please select and prepare a few demanding excerpts from Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5). Saxophones: 1) Perform one of the two orchestral excerpts provided: Bizet, m. 17-46, or Rachmaninoff, all.  2) Perform a solo work (movements or excerpts are acceptable) of approximately 3-4 minutes, or perform one fast etude from the Ferling 48 Studies. Trumpets: Returning students: please perform the exposition (beginning up to measure 146) of the first movement of the Hummel Trumpet Concerto. Parts for

  • . Supportive Measures are “reasonably available” environmental and resource-based alterations that may include, but are not limited to, counseling services, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of employment or class schedules, campus escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar measures that are responsive

  • monomer and testing of ionic conductivity. These results will be compared to previous research. 1:50 pm - The Effects of Inducing DNA Damage on Retromutagenesis Utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Model System Alicia James, Senior Capstone Seminar Our goal in this work was to determine if retromutagenesis is a potential pathway for the acquisition of genetic mutations in microorganisms leading to drug resistance and disease. Retromutagenesis begins with transcriptional mutagenesis (TM) in which

  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae Jessika Iverson, Senior Capstone Seminar Unrepaired DNA damage can lead to DNA mutations that change the cell’s phenotype. While this has been well characterized in dividing cells, less is known about how this process occurs in nondividing cells. Still, when in a state of growth arrest, some cells find a way to acquire a mutation that allows them to resume cell division; this process is known as adaptive mutagenesis. Work by other groups has indicated that an increase in oxidative

  • or suspicious activity to Campus Safety or call 911 Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD). If you encounter: A disruptive or hostile individual  -Someone making threats (in person or on cyber/social media) -A person acting suspiciously -Harassing or threatening phone calls/text messages Contact the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD) Dial 7911 from any campus phone Dial 911 from any other phone Provide the following information: Your location Description of events Description of

  • the lifetime of one or two individuals. The amount of income is based on the age(s) of the annuity income recipient(s) at the time the charitable gift annuity is established. Visit the Charitable Gift Annuity page to learn more, or contact PLU’s Gift Planning Team for a confidential illustration of how a charitable gift annuity could work for you. Does PLU have to be the trustee of a Charitable Remainder Trust?No. While the university serves as trustee for many charitable remainder trusts, an

  • request for stipulations before your project is approved. If you receive notice that the HPRB is requesting stipulations, you must respond to these stipulations and await final approval from the HPRB chair before beginning any work with human participants.How do I address stipulations (revisions)?If revisions are requested within proposal sections, you should make changes by: Editing responses to the questions directly using the Edit Answer button. Responding in Reader Comments (e.g., to provide

  • about far more than final scores, times and results. Legendary coaches such as Frosty Westering and Clifford Olson have challenged student-athletes to work just as hard as they do in athletics in the classroom, in their communities and in pursuit of their best selves. 1900s & 1910s: The Trailblazers Basketball was the first team sport for men and women at Pacific Lutheran Academy, followed shortly after by baseball and softball. In 1901, the men’s basketball team played its inaugural game against

  • , explaining that Hay has published a children’s book about astronomy. At their professors’ suggestion, they posted videos and blog entries about their research on a website. “I love film and design,” Longstaff explained, “so I was really happy.” “Working in the Observatory was SO much fun!” deMattos added. “Fun” was a word that came up repeatedly in student descriptions of both their academic research and their mentors. O’Neill agreed. “Frankly, it has been both easy and fun to work with two such talented