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  • Nick Etzell ‘23 helps peers find their calling Nick Etzell ‘23 is a double major in psychology and environmental studies at Pacific Lutheran University, with minors in philosophy, business, and innovation studies. In his time at PLU, he has been involved with the Wild Hope Center for Vocation as both a vocation intern… April 14, 2022 Clubs & OrganizationsCommunityInternshipsInvolvementLife on CampusPLU GradsPsychologyServiceStudent Life

  • authoritative new book that offers the first comprehensive history of American forensics, Forensics in America: A History. Building upon this tradition, PLU Speech & Debate has had a very successful season so far. With a largely new team and a new coach, the team’s success is not so surprising considering the amount of work members put into honing their craft. Tinker, for example, is not only working on old skills; he is working on something new: He and his teammates developed a never-before-seen strategy

  • June 10, 2014 Life-Changing Connections Across Time and Continents The ‘Namibia Nine’ film crew on location, from left: Andrea Capere, Princess Reese, Joanne Lisosky, Melannie Denise Cunningham, Shunying Wang, Maurice Byrd. PLU Film Team Spends a Month in Namibia Exploring Transformative Experiences in Higher Ed—Including Their Own By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications As part of a post-apartheid strategy nearly 20 years ago, 100 promising young Namibian leaders came to the

  • geographical), but the way Ferrucci Lutes show their alma mater pride is not only a purposeful part of the school’s décor, but also its mission. Bigger-picture, the Puyallup School District works to create a college-going atmosphere in all its schools. Smaller-picture, Ferrucci takes that strategy to a whole new level. Every teacher at Ferrucci hangs a bold banner outside the classroom showing his or her college. More than 200 college pennants from all across the country line hallway and office walls. One

  • better internship available in the state.What are some of the projects you’ve been working on for the Senate Democratic Caucus? I have had the opportunity to help draft parts of legislation, conduct policy research for staff and legislators, write e-newsletters for our caucus, staff the Financial Institutions and Insurance (FII) Committee for a double-booked policy staffer—which has been amazing—and attend strategy meetings with legislators in our caucus for the FII committee. What are some of the

  • different binders for each class to try and combat this.” Color coding has long been a strategy for note taking and retaining information, it’s become especially useful during this time of online classes. Humanities students are all adapting their learning and studying process somehow. For many this means utilizing resources they’re familiar with, but for others it means trying new strategies. Whether it’s PLU resources, online resources, or physical resources, they all play a part in the success of the

  • punishment to the children of incarcerated individuals through ensured poverty and generational social death. Hannah Novak Queering Philanthropy: Analyzing Feminist Philanthropic Strategy Through IdentityThe majority of philanthropic careers are occupied by women; however, white, cis males tend to be in managerial positions within these foundations. The lack of diversity within many philanthropic foundations does not represent the organizations they are oftentimes supporting. By analyzing the diverse

  • helped. A particularly useful strategy, instructors can invite students to discuss learning goals and assignment criteria, and weave student hopes into the syllabus.Promote positive motivational beliefs and self-esteemStudents will be more likely to find motivation and engage when they are assured that an instructor cares for their development. Instructors can allow for rewrites/resubmissions to signal that an assignment is designed to promote development of learning. These rewrites might utilize low

  • Assault Resources Sleep Sleep Education Talk about Sleep – Discussion and forums on many sleep topics Suicide Prevention American Foundation for Suicide Prevention CrisisChat CrisisTextLine National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ULifeline * Smartphone and mobile apps The JED Foundation American Association of Suicidology National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Suicide Prevention Resource Center Youth Suicide Prevention Program Suicide Awareness Voices of Education Stress Management Authentic Happiness

  • Law school-bound Jasneet Sandu ’23 is passionate about global studies, anthropology, computer science and religion Posted by: nicolacs / May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023 By By Lora ShinPLU Marketing & Communications Guest WriterJasneet Sandhu had planned to minor in global studies. But soon into her PLU experience, she decided to double major in it, along with computer science. She added anthropology and religion as double minors—as part of a strategy to enjoy her college experience at a reasonable