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  • The Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education opens thanks to the vision and generosity of donors Peter (’60) and Grace Wang.

  • From Oxford, England to Oaxaca, Mexico, Jackie Lindstrom ’23 uses math to understand migration Recently, chemistry major Jackie Lindstrom found herself in Oxford, England, conducting a series of informational interviews with public health representatives from Oxfam and the International Organization for Migration, a United Nations advisory agency that promotes international cooperation on migration. Traveling under a  Wang Center Research… May 23, 2023 ChemistryMathematics

  • Making sense of the application process for financial aid in 10 steps or less.

    receive your loan funds.9: Pay Your Enrollment DepositIf enrolling at PLU for the first time, Pay your Enrollment Deposit, which secures your seat in the entering class and allows you to register for your first semester’s classes.Pay your enrollment deposit10: Register For ClassesRegistering for classes generates a bill for your next semester’s tuition and fees (and on-campus housing and meal charges if living on campus). Class registration for new students is completed with the Center for Student

  • Carl Petersen wrote, produced and starred in a short film titled “All The Marbles,” which screened at the Cannes Film Festival in France as well as the Gig Harbor Film Festival.

    Carl Petersen ’04 Carl Petersen ’04 1024 427 Brooke Thames '18 Brooke Thames '18 January 12, 2018 May 15, 2018 In a lively yet ominous steampunk world, a boy and a bully clash in the classic struggle of good and evil. The stakes: bravery and freedom. The battle: a simple game of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 12, 2015)— The 2015 Celebration of Leadership recognized students who live lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care while empowering their peers to do the same. On Monday, May 11, the Division of Student Life welcomed PLU faculty, administrators, staff and…

    made a difference through their leadership and service at PLU and in their communities. Students were nominated by PLU faculty, staff and their peers and nominations where reviewed by a selection committee who made recommendations to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. All photographs by PLU Photographer John Froschauer.Pinnacle Award WinnersCelebrates graduates who have demonstrated sustained, exceptional leadership and service in the co-curricular life of PLU, enriching the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 12, 2016)- Jane Wong knows good poetry when she hears it. The published poet, who is a visiting assistant professor of English at Pacific Lutheran University, was impressed with her students’ prose and wanted to share them off campus. “They are real…

    . They’re not just students,” she said. “They’re legit — and you can already hear that.” Wong hosted the poetry reading at Northern Pacific Coffee Co., headlined by five students from her “English 327: Intermediate Poetry Writing” course. The Dec. 5 event, titled “Poetically Speaking,” featured poets Emily Khilfeh ’17, Lucas Bentley ’17, Noah Gerlach ’18, Binyaamem Novus-Khan ’18 and Kylie Ada ’19. The evening opened with Novus-Khan’s shocking poetry — complete with Christina Aguilera sound bites — and

  • students on the first day who looked at me and kind of wondered, ‘What’s he doing here?’” Krise recalled. But one person who wasn’t surprised was Kim Stone ‘13, a music education major who signed up for the class partly because she knew in advance that Krise was co-teaching it. She and her fellow RHA members had picked the new president’s brain at a dinner in the fall and asked what, if anything, he planned on doing with his literature degree during his time at PLU. “He said he might be co-teaching a

  • The health, safety and well being of PLU students, staff and faculty participating in Wang Center programs is our primary concern. PLU and the Wang Center are committed to maximizing safety at each program site, making every effort to ensure that participants have the resources and information they need for a safe and successful global education experience. In Case of Emergency If you are faced with an emergency situation, there are many resources available to support you. It is important to

  • At the Department of Psychology we are committed to providing our students with a meaningful and rigorous undergraduate education that balances science with application.

    succeed in your endeavors, throughout your life. PLU offers both a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. The catalog provides both full course descriptions as well as explanations of the requirements for the B.A. and B.S. psychology degrees here. Please reach out if you have any questions about becoming a psychology major!Quick Links PSYC Lab Reservation Form My Academic Pathway Catalog Course ListingFrequently Asked QuestionsGot a question? Check out our

    Ramstad Hall
  • Sophia Mahr ’18 analyzed how and why medical providers repeatedly and deliberately harmed people in the name of medical science by conducting non-consensual experiments on their subjects.

    -Heller Conference for Holocaust Education. “I was so honored to be a Mayer scholar,” Mahr said, adding that her research is deeply rooted in Kurt Mayer’s legacy. Learn more While Kraig helped Mahr academically and emotionally, the professor admits she learned from the process, too. The pair shared reading materials with one another, resulting in new discoveries traveling both ways. “We had a very common foundation of knowledge to share. It’s 100 percent co-learning,” Kraig said. “These projects start