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  • .” Dr. Vianna was invited to give a clinic in the composition/arranging category. Vianna’s clinic, “Brazilian Choro for Jazz Big Band: A Guide for Jazz Composers and Band Directors,” covered an old Brazilian instrumental style that is becoming more popular among American jazz musicians in recent years. Due to a lack of quality material for jazz big band in the style, Vianna shared his experience writing his own arrangements and helping students learn this exciting music style. Faculty participation

  • disease eradication and control, he has taken an active role in the eradication of Guinea worm disease, polio and measles and the elimination of river blindness. By writing and lecturing extensively, Foege has succeeded in broadening public awareness of these issues and bringing them to the forefront of domestic and international health policies. A U.S. News and World Report article identified Foege as one of “America’s Best Leaders” in November. He is currently a senior fellow at the Bill and Melinda

  • written about this time period, as far as examining its reach in developing Chinese society. According the the selection committee, they were “particularly impressed with the clarity of writing and the intellectual breadth of the dissertation, which necessitated dealing with a wide range of Chinese materials that span the entire history of Buddhism in China. The result is an impressive contribution to our knowledge of the complex responses by modern Chinese Buddhist teachers and intellectuals to

  • .”About PLU's MediaLabMediaLab, an award-winning, student-run media and applied research organization, is part of the Center for Media Studies located within the School of Arts + Communication at Pacific Lutheran University. MediaLab students work on projects for external clients across the media spectrum, including market research, photography, graphic design, web design, writing, video, public relations, event planning and more.In addition, Waste Not also is a finalist in the National Broadcasting

  • administer the vaccine at Thursday's event. Recent PLU graduate Cara Hall '20 works on pandemic response logistics and event coordination for the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. A PLU nursing student administers a COVID-19 vaccination. A PLU nursing student walks a patient through a pre-vaccination form. More from PLU PLU by the NumbersApply TodayFull List of Majors Read Previous NYT best-selling author Meg Medina to discuss writing about painful experiences for kids at PLU virtual lecture Read

  • compositions to digital format. “Of course, I have a whole trunk-full of compositions from over the years,” Robbins explains. “I was trained with ink on vellum for writing music, which shows you how technology changes.” If all of that coalesces, he would consider going back to writing some original compositions. “I’ve got several projects that I’m anxious to do,” Robbins said. “I jokingly say that I’m going to take the memos I’ve written for the last gazillions years and bind them as Opus 17, 18 and 19

  • burning of Moscow, the mot de Cambronne at Waterloo, and the injunction to the condemned Louis XVI: “Fils de saint Louis, montez au ciel!”  A student using one of the printing press in the Thorniley Collection in PLU’s Book Arts program, 2017 Count Rostopchin, as governor of Moscow, was supposed to have set fire to Moscow in 1812 rather than allow Napoleon to enjoy possession of the Russian capital; General Cambronee was said to have riposted “Merde!” to English demands for surrender at Waterloo in

  • implications that one road really can have,” Schrecengost explained. “I experienced the growth of one idea into a whole other thing.” Schrencengost added the experience gave her a new passion for research. It is another example of PLU’s continuing commitment to the creation of opportunities in which students and faculty can work closely together on research and creative projects. While at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., she was in awe of the huge building and the documents she was able to access

  • , and VP in five.’ That focus is great,” said Parsons. “But I always ask them, ‘Is that the thing you care about? Is that what would be totally awesome to do?’” At this stage of his life, starting his own business is what would be totally awesome. He started Fyreball, which became Meteor Solutions, a platform that allows e-marketers to measure and track Web-based creative campaigns through the single-most powerful (and least understood) marketing tool there is: word of mouth. Nobody has been able to

  • series of movies that were being developed out of the J.R.R. Tolkien trilogy. The rest is history. “The entire experience was fantastic,” said Perry of his time working with Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings creative team. Not only did he help the Ents attack the tower, but he helped the lighting team with Gollum, and he created some of the larger battle scenes. Perry is working for the next six months in Vancouver, B.C., on special computer generated effects on the next “Final Destination