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  • Emily Davidson Director, Hispanic and Latino Studies Full Profile 253-535-7311

  • January 1, 2013 Kurt Mayer: Jan. 14, 1930-Nov. 13, 2012 The Holocaust Studies program at PLU lost its founder and namesake for our esteemed endowed chair on November 13, 2012.   Kurt Mayer, survived by his wife Pam, his daughter Natalie, his son Joe, and Joe’s wife Gloria made this program possible.  Mayer’s long friendship to PLU prompted Mayer and his family to join with Nancy Powell and her family to provide generous gifts which launched the Kurt Mayer Professor in Holocaust Studies in 2007

  • Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust co-edited with Susannah Heschel (Augsburg Fortress Publishers 1999) : View Book Theologians Under Hitler (Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus and Emanuel Hirsch) (Yale University Press 1985) : View Book Biography Robert Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies Emeritus and Professor of History at PLU, earned his Ph.D. in history at the London School of Economics.  He is the author or editor of five books and more than forty articles or book chapters. All of

  • to an event that may yet be defined as the greatest crime in modern history,” Kurt Mayer wrote. “I am telling my story because we must continue to learn from the lessons of the past.” Mayer was the first person of the Jewish faith to serve on Pacific Lutheran University’s Board of Regents, serving from 1995 to 2005. He was instrumental in the development of the university’s Holocaust Studies Program. Mayer’s family was one of two prominent Tacoma area families who funded a $1 million endowed

  • ScheduleSteve is also the author of 50 Children: One ordinary American Couple’s Extraordinary Rescue Mission in the Heart of Nazi Germany (HarperCollins, 2014)Robert P. EricksenModerator: Robert P. Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies (emeritus)Bio: Robert P. Ericksen is the author of Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, 2012) and Theologians under Hitler (Yale, 1985), which appeared in German, Dutch, and Japanese translation and was turned into a

  • at Temple University, Philadelphia, where he earned an MA and PhD in Holocaust Studies, under the tutorship of Professor Franklin H. Littell. Returning to Israel, Paldiel was nominated director of the Righteous Among the Nations Department, at Yad Vashem – the country’s national Holocaust Memorial, a post he occupied from 1982 to 2007. During that 24-year stint, under Paldiel’s stewardship, some 18,000 non-Jewish men and women from various countries were awarded the prestigious honor of

  • Alumni StoriesStudying the Holocaust and related themes is often a hallmark of the PLU learning experience. These alumni updates describe the long-term impact of attending the Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference, taking classes with HGST themes, and traveling to Europe to learn Holocaust history first hand.Ian McMichael, ’13 German Languages & Literature Major, Religion and Hispanic Studies MinorsIan is serving a 2nd year with Teach For America at Little Wound High School on the Pine

  • Alumni StoriesStudying the Holocaust and related themes is often a hallmark of the PLU learning experience. These alumni updates describe the long-term impact of attending the Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference, taking classes with HGST themes, and traveling to Europe to learn Holocaust history first hand.Ian McMichael, ’13 German Languages & Literature Major, Religion and Hispanic Studies MinorsIan is serving a 2nd year with Teach For America at Little Wound High School on the Pine

  • Alumni StoriesStudying the Holocaust and related themes is often a hallmark of the PLU learning experience. These alumni updates describe the long-term impact of attending the Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference, taking classes with HGST themes, and traveling to Europe to learn Holocaust history first hand.Ian McMichael, ’13 German Languages & Literature Major, Religion and Hispanic Studies MinorsIan is serving a 2nd year with Teach For America at Little Wound High School on the Pine

  • Alumni StoriesStudying the Holocaust and related themes is often a hallmark of the PLU learning experience. These alumni updates describe the long-term impact of attending the Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference, taking classes with HGST themes, and traveling to Europe to learn Holocaust history first hand.Ian McMichael, ’13 German Languages & Literature Major, Religion and Hispanic Studies MinorsIan is serving a 2nd year with Teach For America at Little Wound High School on the Pine