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  • TACOMA, WASH. (March 17, 2016)- Joshua Cushman ’08 stood in front of a crowd at the Wang Center Symposium last month and recalled his childhood in which nobody asked him about his future. The Tacoma native was the product of a broken home, plagued by…

    his education at PLU was fundamental in helping him channel those experiences into vocation. “PLU showed me that education can change your life no matter what circumstance you come from,” Cushman said. “I owe a lot to the PLU community. They have been my rock.” Read Previous PLU Summer Academy: First-year students spend five weeks earning six credits, making new friends and adjusting to life on campus Read Next First-year student pulls from roots, helps introduce religious diversity to PLU through

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April. 19, 2016)- “Güeros,“ an award-winning drama set in Mexico City, will screen at Pacific Lutheran University on April 27 at 6 p.m. in room 101 of the Administration Building. The screening was organized by Christian Gerzso, PLU visiting assistant professor of English. He…

    shut down the largest learning and research center of the country for 10 months. Thanks to the strike, the university remains tuition free to this day, but it was a very tense and polarizing moment. “Güeros” explores how students who, for the most part, were not part of the strike lived through those months. What does “Güeros” have to say about socio-political issues in Mexico City? Also, what does the film have to say about youth in Mexico City?  I love Alonso’s idea of making a road movie of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 19, 2016)- Jen Cohen ’94 is all smiles. But the University of Washington athletic director, appointed to the position May 24, smiles the biggest while talking to, and about, student athletes. “We feel like our students are students first,” said Cohen, who…

    with the baseball team. She also helped coach the volleyball team, though she admits she wasn’t the best coach or the best athlete. She talks fondly of those years when she was doing it all, as she puts it, including making popcorn during basketball games. “I was gettin’ after it,” she said with a wide grin. Cohen said it’s clear what makes PLU stand out: “Hands down, number one — grit,” she said. “People work their tails off at PLU.” During her time as a graduate student, Cohen worked in an

  • , consumer behavior and decision making, branding, and transformative change—all lenses he plans to apply in his new role.  A researcher at heart, one of his first projects as dean will be spending time listening and researching. “I’ll be speaking with more than 100 people from businesses and nonprofits to understand some of the things they see as needs in business and in the world, as well as what they would like to see from a business school,” he says. “This insight will help us as we consider future

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 6, 2016)- Kelly Hall couldn’t decide on a major when she first came to Pacific Lutheran University. “I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do, and several fields I explored just didn’t fit right,” said Hall, a senior at PLU.…

    photo from senior Kelly Hall's youth Tribal Canoe Journey (courtesy of Hall). “I was lucky there was a group already making this major,” Hall said. “I get to kind of be the guinea pig.” So, an independently designed major was created and approved. Focusing on the four disciplines of religion, anthropology, history and language, Hall and Crawford-O’Brien came up with a list of classes for Hall to choose from. Now a senior, the only thing between Hall and graduation is her capstone. Her project

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 1, 2016)- Bryanna Plog ’10 seems to have done it all in her years after Pacific Lutheran University – teaching English abroad in Colombia, writing books about travel and interning for a conservation nonprofit. But now, she says, serving as a park…

    English abroad in Colombia, writing books about travel and interning for a conservation nonprofit. But now, she says, serving as a park ranger feels like the perfect fit.“I really love working for the Park Service because it’s an organization I can really believe in,” Plog said, “tasked with preserving places for future generations and also making sure people can enjoy them now. I love being part of that.” Plog, who is currently working at Yosemite National Park in California, double majored in

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 1, 2016)- Lt. Brian Bradshaw was an understated leader who put everyone else first. Ask anyone who knew him. Instead of walking with his head down past the crying stranger in the lobby of a residence hall at Pacific Lutheran University, he…

    loved ones in war. It’s a membership nobody wants, yet it offers support for those who need it most. Mary has bonded with other mothers through the program. She also started participating in marathons – five and counting – to honor her son. “I was not a runner,” she said, adding that the only running she had done previously was that required of soldiers in the Army. “I’m a runner now.” PLU also honors Brian’s legacy, thanks to the ongoing support of the Bradshaws and other donors. Upon making

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 10, 2016)- Typically, summer allows college students to take advantage of free time that’s hard to come by during the academic year. But for many Lutes, summer is a time to work hard and continue their vocational endeavors. Students travel, work internships…

    , while the juniors are mentoring the freshman and sophomores,” Mejia said. “So, basically the goal for CLC is to prepare you for your senior year, learning how to work with TLP (troop leading procedures) and to use that for making plans and training happen.” "I’ve always wanted to join the military and at the same time, I’ve always wanted to go to college and become an officer."- Angelo Mejia '17 Mejia says his time with PLU’s ROTC program prepared him for a lot of the Fort Knox tactical trainings

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August 10, 2015)- Each summer PLU students fan out across the globe — working, researching, studying or just plain relaxing. Many students leverage the summer months as an opportunity to add depth to their resumes by completing internships at local and corporate businesses,…

    getting that column published was validating. Another great moment was when Macklemore came to Spokane, shooting a secretive new music video, and news outlets were scrambling to get pictures, video and information. I ended up getting pretty good cellphone video from a friend’s Snapchat who filmed him dancing with a full crew of dancers, making that into a video clip and writing a blog post that allowed me to expand on what I knew about hip-hop and Macklemore’s history. No other outlet had video or

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    moving past the familiar terrain of the books. In addition, the show runners Benioff and Weiss have failed to maintain the creative storytelling that was consistent in the books. Rather than remain a core focus on the sociological, Thrones became focused on individual heroics and villainy, making it more difficult to kill off major characters. Rather than subverting expectations in a way that was emotionally succinct and logical according to the rules of the Game, unexpected things have happened