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Associate Professor of Kinesiology | Department of Kinesiology | | 253-535-7636
following Sprint Interval Training." Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments 2018: 14(1), Article 8. Katica CP, Wingo, JE, Herron, RL, Ryan, GA, Bishop, SH, and Richardson, M. "Impact of precooling the upper body during warm-up on subsequent time trial paced cycling in the heat." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2017: 21(6): 621–62. Dassoff, AS, Forward, NR, Katica, CP. "Differences Between the Grab Start and Track Start in Collegiate Swimmers." Int J Exerc Sci 2017: 10(4): 515-521.
Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies | Hispanic and Latino Studies | | 253-535-7240
, 2020) III International Conference of Literature and Human Rights: Gender and Culture, co-organized by Universidad de Santiago de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in collaboration with University of Valparaíso (Chile), Università degli Studi di Milano and Brooklyn College of City University of New York, Santiago, Uruguay: Trans Identities, Representations and Liminality, Chile (November 14-16, 2019) Cine-Lit 9: Mujer y Género, “Migas de pan” de Manane Rodríguez (Uruguay, 2016
Director, Anthropology Program | Department of Anthropology | | 253-535-8389 | Bradford W.
Institute of Archaeology Press 2002) : View Book Selected Presentations Calixtlahuaca Lithic Technology, Presentation for the Calixtlahuaca Project Workshop, School for Human Evolution and Social Research, Arizona State University (2013) Presentation for the Asociación de Guias de Oaxaca A.C, Las herramientas de piedra de Calixtlahuaca: interpretaciones sociopolíticas preliminaries de la periferia azteca occidental (Calixtlahuaca Stone Tools: Preliminary Sociopolitical Interpretations from the Western
Faculty Fellow | College of Liberal Studies | | 253-538-5664 | Donald P.
, Ryan worked closely with world-renowned Norwegian explorer, archaeologist and writer, the late Thor Heyerdahl, whose open-minded approach to the topic of early human use of the ocean was a hallmark of his remarkable research. Ryan is also a Research Associate at the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo, Norway, and a Fellow of both The Explorers Club and The Royal Geographical Society. SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Directed excavations, conservation activities and research in Egypt’s ancient New Kingdom cemetery
Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies | Department of History | | 253-535-7642 | Beth A.
Dark Journey: the Rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany”” for The Modern Scholar Great Professors series of lectures. She has published numerous chapters in books, served as guest editor of The Journal of Jesuit Studies, and has spoken at various Holocaust Centers and other venues. She serves on many organization’s committees, including the Executive Committee of the Consortium of Higher Education Centers for Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Studies; the Seattle Holocaust Center for Humanity’s
Assistant Professor | School of Nursing | | 253-535-7510 | Dr.
. B. (2021). COVID-19 Sources of Information, Knowledge, and Preventative Behaviors among U.S. Adult Population, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 27(3), 278-284. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001348 Shadab, R., Lavery, J. V., McFadden, S. M., Elharake, J. A., Malik, F., & Omer, S. B. (2021). Key ethical considerations to guide the adjudication of a single-dose HPV vaccine schedule, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2021.1917231 Malik, A. A.*, McFadden, S. M
Professor of Kinesiology | Department of Kinesiology | | 253-535-7363 | Dr.
Psychology of Elite Athletes and Corporate Leaders Motor Learning and Human Performance Team Building for High Performing Teams Books Catch Them Being Good: Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Coach Girls co-authored with Tony Dicicco and Charles Salzberg (Penguin Books 2003) Selected Presentations US Open Golf panel by Deloitte, Invited Panel Presentation, The Corporate Athlete Wellness Strategies for Executive Women, San Martin, CA (2016) Invited Presentation, Ed Wells Partnership BEN
Dean | School of Business | | 253-535-7258 | Dr.
Mark Mulder, Ph.D. Dean Phone: 253-535-7258 Email: Office Location: Morken Center for Learning & Technology - 171 Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Additional Titles/Roles Associate Professor School of Business Education Ph.D., Marketing & Consumer Behavior, Washington State University, 2012 Management Development Program, Harvard University, 2002 M.B.A., Technology & Innovation Management, Pacific Lutheran University, 2000 B.B.A., Human Resources and Total
Dean | Master of Business Administration | | 253-535-7258 | Dr.
Mark Mulder, Ph.D. Dean Phone: 253-535-7258 Email: Office Location: Morken Center for Learning & Technology - 171 Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Additional Titles/Roles Associate Professor School of Business Education Ph.D., Marketing & Consumer Behavior, Washington State University, 2012 Management Development Program, Harvard University, 2002 M.B.A., Technology & Innovation Management, Pacific Lutheran University, 2000 B.B.A., Human Resources and Total
Professor of Religion and Culture | Religion | | 253-535-8107 | Suzanne Crawford O’Brien’s area of specialization is Religion and Culture, with emphases in Native American religious traditions, and comparative studies of minority religious communities in North America, including religion and healthcare, gender and ethnicity, and religion and popular culture.
Suzanne Crawford O’Brien Professor of Religion and Culture Phone: 253-535-8107 Email: Office Location: Hauge Administration Building - 227-C Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Education Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2003 M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1997 B.A., Willamette University, 1995 Areas of Emphasis or Expertise Native American Religious Traditions Religious Diversity in North America Health, Healing, and Religious and Cultural
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