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  • Winter 2017 Resolute: Explore global education here and away

    Allan Belton Vice President for Finance and Administration Donna Gibbs Vice President for Marketing and Communications Daniel Lee Vice President for Advancement Joanna C. Royce-Davis, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students OFFICE OF ALUMNI AND CONSTITUENT ENGAGEMENT Laura Rose ’03, ’11 Executive Director of Alumni and Constituent Engagement Jessica Pagel ’08 Director Nolan Ryan Assistant Director Nesvig Alumni Center Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 253-535-7415 800-ALUM-PLU

  • The Department of Economics offers the unique opportunity to participate in an economics alumni mentoring program for all majors to help you prepare for your life beyond PLU.

    Grad - Helen “Nellie” Moran '15 Colorado Senate Majority Leader's Policy and Communications Advisor More Economics at PLU The Pacific Lutheran University Economics department equips students with expertise in economics and its applications in fields such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, development, trade, international and environmental economics. Are you interested in learning more about application of economics to real-world problems of policy and business? Our department offers the unique

    Professor Krisztina Nagy, Chair
    Xavier Hall, Room 107 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • TACOMA, Wash. (Aug. 31, 2015)—On Aug. 1, the Lutes and I started our 10-day adventure to England: Eighteen women’s soccer players and 14 men’s soccer players, along with both teams’ coaching staff and a trainer, were fortunate enough to play soccer, experience a new culture…

    Goal!! PLU Soccer Teams Bond—and Win—on 10-Day Trip to England Posted by: Sandy Dunham / August 31, 2015 Image: The PLU soccer community poses in front of the Manchester United stadium during a 10-day trip to England. (Photo courtesy assistant athletic trainer Todd Yamauchi.) August 31, 2015 By Lena Moreno ’17For PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Aug. 31, 2015)—On Aug. 1, the Lutes and I started our 10-day adventure to England: Eighteen women’s soccer players and 14 men’s soccer

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August 10, 2015)- Each summer PLU students fan out across the globe — working, researching, studying or just plain relaxing. Many students leverage the summer months as an opportunity to add depth to their resumes by completing internships at local and corporate businesses,…

    write stories and press releases for our external communications department. External communications is only a piece of our entire Corporate Communications department – we’re the ones that work with reporters, send out press releases and write copy for the website and the Alaska Airlines blog at I work 40 hours a week, and my immediate boss is Halley Knigge, who is a Media and Content Editor for our corporate communications department. She is also the creator and

  • By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19.  This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program . Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one. It…

    building a shared vocabulary that includes history and ethics. Inov 350 is the final course, which puts students into diverse teams and asks them to develop their own creative idea, process, or campaign. Even with these required courses, the Innovation Studies program is incredibly flexible, because it works with just about any major on campus and often accepts credit for work done in other departments. Attracting New Students How successful is the program so far? As the team prepares to start classes

  • TACOMA, Wash. (March 12, 2015)—Brockton Gates ’12 walked through a backyard toward the basement of a quiet house in Seattle. He was on his way to interview for a job at a small and successful startup, Porch, where he eventually would become the Head of…

    would become the Head of Executive Communications and Evangelism.“Coming out of school, I was really keen on the idea of starting my own business, and I had heard from a friend and fellow PLU alumni about a little startup company that he had been working at, and he mentioned they were hiring, so I applied,” said Gates, who earned a degree in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising and a minor in Marketing. “Fortunately I got the job and, in the true spirit of how

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 24, 2015)—Courtney Lee ’15 applied for an internship with the U.S. State Department four times. After missing the mark three times and not hearing back the fourth, Lee had all but forgotten about it and was already looking at other positions. Then…

    Student’s Study Away Experiences Lead to State Department Internship Posted by: Sandy Dunham / September 24, 2015 Image: Courtney Lee ’15 just left for Washington, D.C., for her high-profile internship in the U.S. State Department’s Educational Affairs department, where she will work with a Senior Policy Officer to examine programs and their effectiveness. (Photo: Quinn Huelsbeck ’16) September 24, 2015 By Samantha Lund ’16PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 24, 2015)—Courtney

  • Former three-term State Superintendent of Public Instruction Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., succeeds, Frank Kline, Ph.D. TACOMA, WASH. (July 7, 2016) – Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., has joined Pacific Lutheran University as interim dean of the School of Education & Kinesiology . Bergeson has extensive experience in state education,…

    Former State Superintendent joins PLU as interim dean of the School of Education and Kinesiology Posted by: Zach Powers / July 7, 2016 Image: Terry Bergeson, interim dean of the PLU School of Education and Kinesiology. (photo by John Froschauer/PLU) July 7, 2016 By Donna GibbsPLU Marketing & Communications Former three-term State Superintendent of Public Instruction Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., succeeds, Frank Kline, Ph.D.TACOMA, WASH. (July 7, 2016) – Terry Bergeson, Ph.D., has joined Pacific

  • Winter 2017 Resolute: Explore global education here and away

    Constituent Communications Manager Kathy Allen Alumni Engagement Coordinator Nesvig Alumni Center Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 253-535-7415 800-ALUM-PLU ADDRESS CHANGES Please direct any address changes to or 800-ALUM-PLU. ABOUT RESOLUTE Volume 1, Issue 10 ResoLUTE (ISSN 0886-3369) is published three times a year by Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Ave. S., Tacoma, WA, 98447-0003. Postage paid at Tacoma, WA, and additional mailing offices. Address service requested

  • Winter 2017 Resolute: Explore global education here and away

    Kari Plog ’11 Christian Caple PHOTOGRAPHER John Froschauer VIDEOGRAPHER Rustin Dwyer CONTRIBUTORS Claudia Berguson Tim Sherry ’67 Joshua Wiersma ’18 COURTESY PHOTOS Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Jonathan Nesvig ’67 EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Simon Sung ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Lace M. Smith WEB TEAM Logan Seelye Sam O’Hara ’16 Chris Albert CLASS NOTES Kathy Allen ’17 PROOFREADER Rebecca Young EDITORIAL OFFICES Neeb Center 253-535-8410