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  • The Confucius Institute of the State of Washington (CIWA) aims to provide financial and other support for Chinese language and culture education.

    Mission:The Confucius Institute of the State of Washington (CIWA) is committed to promoting intercultural understanding through Chinese language education, Chinese studies, educational exchanges, and community-based activities that facilitate cultural diversity across the State of Washington.CIWA:CIWA is an international partnership involving Pacific Lutheran University, Sichuan University in China, Seattle Public Schools, Chongqing Jiaotong University and The Alliance for Education. It was

    Confucius Institute of the State of Washington
    Harstad Hall Offices 114 & 115 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • By Damian Alessandro, ’19 At Pacific Lutheran University, we’re pretty excited about innovation. Over the past few months, my colleague Sarah Cornell-Maier and I have been writing about several types of innovation that we see in the workplace and in our curriculum. This week, I…

    invent something new to be innovative. Instead they can modify products or processes that already exist, or create new business models that other organizations are not trying.   Starbucks and Coffee Culture For example, Howard Schultz, executive chairman of Starbucks, built his company up from virtually nothing to the success it is today by implementing a personal approach to consuming coffee, like he witnessed in the of espresso bars of Milan, Italy. Schultz did not invent coffee, nor did he invent

  • , asking, “Why are things the way they are — could they be better?” We then listen hard for unexpected answers that turn into just and sustainable solutions. STAAR (Students Taking Action Against Racism), organized by ASPLU to “establish a non-racist student environment that has an appreciation of cultural diversity and individual differences,” organized rallies, workshops, and other educational events to further discussion around racism. (PLU/ 1993) Students gather in Red Square to express opposition

  • Table of Organization (pdf) view page Click on drop down menu on "About" section of President's website and click "Organization Chart" to view most up-to-date version.

  • days a week, Monday through Friday? Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (1) and (2) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both (1) and (2), be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe. Clearly describe a situation where you were confronted with

  • work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where they work closely with the faculty and other researchers. REU programs are an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to: Explore research interests and gain valuable research experience Decide if you are graduate school material Provide an opportunity to learn about a graduate school of interest Networking opportunities Read Previous REUs: SPIRAL and SPATIAL-Stats 2023

  • Join us for 12 Gifts of Christmas. For 12 days this holiday season we will share performances of new musical works recorded this fall, performances from recent Christmas Concerts and personal

    to the PLU community—an opportunity to continue the PLU Christmas tradition within the constraints of a worldwide pandemic. In these unprecedented times, our artistic disciplines have the power to heal the soul, illuminate the human condition, and provide a crucial vehicle for healing. We remain together in community and spirit this year—perhaps as in no other year before. Thank you sincerely for your support. Dr. Cameron Bennett Dean, School of Arts and Communication Support PLU Music

  • PLU is a private institution, and as such reserves the right to limit the use of its grounds and facilities, as it deems appropriate. PLU in its entirety is restricted for use by PLU students, faculty, staff, authorized visitors, and guests. The general public may be granted a limited invitation to campus facilities for specific purposes such as athletic events, forums, concerts, conferences, etc. However, access to any university facility by any person or persons is strictly limited to those

  • will take place 2-3 days a week, Monday through Friday? Number 8Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (a) and (b) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both, be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe. Clearly describe a situation where you were

  • will take place 2-3 days a week, Monday through Friday? Number 8Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (a) and (b) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both, be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe. Clearly describe a situation where you were