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  • ABSN Cost of Attendance: 2023-24The following are estimated costs to attend Pacific Lutheran University’s Accelerated Bachelor’s Program in Nursing starting in the 2023-24 academic year. Please note that PLU gift aid or scholarship assistance is not available for the ABSN program. Students needing financial assistance should submit the 2023-24 FAFSA or WASFA, if eligible. Students who need assistance beyond what is available to them through the federal or state financial aid programs should

  • ABSN Cost of Attendance: 2024-25The following are estimated costs to attend Pacific Lutheran University’s Accelerated Bachelor’s Program in Nursing starting in the 2024-25 academic year. Please note that PLU gift aid or scholarship assistance is not available for the ABSN program. Students needing financial assistance should submit the 2024-25 FAFSA or WASFA, if eligible. Students who need assistance beyond what is available to them through the federal or state financial aid programs should

  • hierarchical milieu marked by the separation of body from spirit, and earth from heaven, the reformers of Lutheran education came to a greater appreciation of embodied life on this earth as the arena in which God is truly present and active. Consequently, in this world, created by a loving God, no one can claim an intrinsic superiority over another by virtue of gender, race, or social status. All are of equal value and enjoy a God-given dignity and, by extension, all creation is a gift which demands wise

  • PLU’s Earth & Diversity Week. Steen Family Symposium Steen Family Symposium on Environmental Issues April 17-19 | Free and open to the public Established in 2022 through a gift from David ‘57 and Lorilie Steen ’58, the Steen Family Symposium brings informed speakers who challenge current thinking and propose healthy change to the PLU campus for the purpose of contributing to educate for “lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care — for other people, for their communities and for the

  • . “There is no pressure to give and there is no personal return expected. For us giving is a natural part of who we are.” “We are indeed blessed that we have been so fortunate,” Dale said. To learn more about investment options and ensuring the legacy of PLU, please contact the Office of Development at 253-535-7177 or visit and click on “Make a Gift.” Read Previous Contributions to Excellence Read Next Endowment for scholarships: a direct investment in students COMMENTS*Note

  • precious life?’” she said. “It’s been PLU’s Wild Hope Project theme and it’s now our theme – describing Lutheran vocation and living lives of service.” “We look forward to building our very own array of new ventures that will include a variety of professional assignments and volunteer projects as well as more time on the farm in North Dakota and at our northern Minnesota lake home,” Loren Anderson said. “Our years at PLU have been both a great gift and high honor,” he said. “We give thanks each day for

  • beginning of his presentation. Much of Zellner’s story can be found in his memoir, The Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement. (New South Books, 2008). “What I learned in the civil rights movement is still true today, ‘Brotherhood is not so wild a dream as those, who profit by postponing it, pretend,’” Zellner said, quoting journalist Eric Sevareid. Read Previous Alaska governor and Lute visits campus Read Next The Limited Gift of Water COMMENTS*Note: All comments are

  • PLU’s Earth & Diversity Week. Steen Family Symposium Steen Family Symposium on Environmental Issues April 17-19 | Free and open to the public Established in 2022 through a gift from David ‘57 and Lorilie Steen ’58, the Steen Family Symposium brings informed speakers who challenge current thinking and propose healthy change to the PLU campus for the purpose of contributing to educate for “lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care — for other people, for their communities and for the

  • calendars now and plan to return to campus for a celebration with alumni, students, families and the campus community. Learn more and register Save the Date | Oct. 15-16 Bjug Day 2019 Join Lutes around the world in a philanthropic quest on behalf of student success. Make the most of a generous match for student scholarships with your gift to PLU. This year, Bjug Day — named for PLU founder Bjug Harstad — will be bigger and better than ever. Stay tuned for new ways you can participate and go the distance

  • Explore Areas for ConsiderationDurationConsider how long you want to immerse yourself in another culture. Programs range from a week to a year, and everywhere in between. SemesterGet the biggest bang for your buck! Studying Away on a PLU Gateway or Featured semester program, you get to use financial aid, PLU gift aid and scholarships while earning PLU credit toward your degree. Program costs are comparable to being at PLU, plus there are study abroad scholarships available. Start here to learn