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  • Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research in Chemistry Posted by: Craig Fryhle / December 2, 2014 December 2, 2014 With great appreciation we are pleased to announce the new Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research in Chemistry.   Thank you so much, Larry and Bonny! This gift strongly signifies the dedication and commitment that Bonny and Larry both have for PLU and the department.  Bonny has been one of the main faces

  • Step 3Exempt ResearchSix categories of research may qualify for exempt status. In order to be considered exempt, the research must present very little, if any, associated risk. An exemption means that the research does not need to meet certain regulations and requires less ongoing oversight by the HPRB. Only the HPRB has the authority to determine whether research involving human subjects is exempt from full review. Exemptions are not guaranteed and may be denied by the HPRB, if warranted

  • Dolan ’22.  Dolan, a double major in philosophy and economics, is in the midst of a prestigious summer internship at the Analysis Group’s headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.   A leading economic consulting firm with offices around the world, Analysis Group’s internship positions are highly coveted and the application process is highly competitive. One thing that helped Dolan stand out from the crowd was his connection with a PLU mentor, Bruce Deal ’87.  “Mentoring is one of the most interesting

  • PLU to host environmental symposium and Earth Week events exploring the violence of natural resource extraction Posted by: Zach Powers / March 27, 2023 March 27, 2023 Pacific Lutheran University will host the Steen Family Symposium for Environmental Issues and Earth and Diversity Week April 17-23 . Series events will explore the theme of “Sowing Resilience in Fractured Land.” Guest speakers, dialogues, and hands-on activities will invite attendees to examine the wide-ranging and long-term

  • : Introductory Ecology BIOL 226: Genes, Evolution, Diversity, and Ecology Any course in the Ecology and Evolution track of the major Environmental Studies Any ENVT course ANTH 368: Edible Landscapes, The Foraging Spectrum BIOL 116: Introductory Ecology BIOL 367: Conservation Biology and Management BIOL 368: Ecology BIOL 369: Marine Biology CHEM 104: Environmental Chemistry ECON 101: Principles of Microeconomics ECON 313: Environmental Economics ENGL 234: Environmental Literature GEOS 104: Conservation of

  • It’s been 25 years since David Akuien ’10 was separated from his mother at age 5, 16 years since he came to the United States as an orphan.

    , and how he resembles the child his relatives once knew. Above all, David looks forward to seeing, holding and being with his mother. The two have communicated for the past 11 years, since his first year at PLU. He tracked her down through tireless research during his teen years in a Tacoma foster home. “As soon as I could I sent money to my mother so she could buy a phone,” he remembers. “That was the start of a fruitful relationship with her.” David talks to his mother two or three times per

  • Declaring a Major or MinorDeclaring a major or minor in economics is a simple process and may be completed at any time by meeting with a faculty member and filling out an Academic Program Contract. At the time of declaration, you will be assigned an advisor and begin discussing how to structure your time to meet the program requirements below. For students planning graduate work in economics additional math preparation will be necessary. For specific courses, consult your major advisor.

  • The Thorniley Collection of Antique Type, a massive donation to PLU’s Publishing and Printing Arts Program, has elevated the university’s letterpress resources.

    Thorniley Collection until it came to PLU. Upon further research, Tribby said he’s excited to see it go to such a well respected printing arts program for regular use by the public, as opposed to sitting in cases at a museum. “To be able to see the actual artifacts from that era when they were created, and not a modern reproduction, that’s interesting,” Tribby said. Robinson hopes the major donation will attract others, including funds that could lead to a newer, bigger campus building to house the

  • profile of Terri Card. From the exam room to executive leadershipWhen Mark Mariani ’98 was a student at PLU his singular goal was to become a medical doctor. A member of the football team and a biology major, Mariani loved his science courses, but he also found he was interested in a range of disciplines from economics to the humanities. He achieved his goal a few years later, earning a M.D. at the University of Washington. And while working with patients was just as rewarding as he’d hoped, his broad

  • profile of Terri Card. From the exam room to executive leadershipWhen Mark Mariani ’98 was a student at PLU his singular goal was to become a medical doctor. A member of the football team and a biology major, Mariani loved his science courses, but he also found he was interested in a range of disciplines from economics to the humanities. He achieved his goal a few years later, earning a M.D. at the University of Washington. And while working with patients was just as rewarding as he’d hoped, his broad