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  • . Debbie Cafazzo, Constituent Communications Manager Debbie Cafazzo, a communications manager in PLU’s University Relations Division, was a longtime education reporter at The News Tribune in Tacoma before moving to the public information office at Tacoma Public Schools. She joined PLU in 2019. Reach her at Chris Albert, director of web development Chris currently leads our web team in planning, designing, developing and implementing the PLU website. He started at PLU in 2008 as a

  • , and gender, exploring what social forces shape individuals' differentiated access to society's valued resources. Prerequisite: SOCI 101, CRIM 102, or consent of instructor. (4) SOCI 332 : Race and Racism - ES A critical examination of race and racism in the United States. The course will explore the social construction of race and how racism shapes social institutions, such as the economy, education, and criminal justice. Prerequisite: SOCI 101, CRIM 102, or consent of instructor. (4) SOCI 336

  • . Imprisoned in a Communist re-education camp, he urges his family to make the escape by boat without him. His wife Mai, son Lai and mother Ba Noi then embark on the arduous ocean voyage in the hope of reaching the U.S. and freedom.—from   Terry S. & Freida, L. M. (Directors). (1994). Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision. [Film] American Film Foundation. Also available in the library

  • . “I’m more passionate about how we can bring our differences to the table to build and transform community.” During a recent conversation at Northern Pacific Coffee Co., a coffee shop near PLU’s campus, Rude said she’s eager to lend that passion to PLU. “I was shaped by the values of a liberal arts education at an ELCA-affiliated university,” she said. “I benefited from learning to ask questions, living into my values, engaging difference, serving others and living in community. It was hard, and at

  • optimal financial aid awarding for the 2024-25 academic year.  The FAFSA is free, and it is the best way to see how much it will cost to attend PLU. (Note: PLU’s FAFSA school code is 003785). If you are unable to fill out the FAFSA (i.e. if an undocumented student), and are a resident of Washington state, you can instead complete the WASFA to be considered for need-based financial aid. UPDATE: The FAFSA has recently undergone an overhaul by the U.S. Department of Education (you’ll find information

  • survived the Holocaust to become a fierce advocate for Holocaust education, and for the memory of those who did not survive. Even after his death in 2012, the man whose name informs one of PLU’s most distinguished programs remains an inspiration: for scholars, for students—and, perhaps most recently (and most poignantly), for a J-Term Study Away experience organized by Kirsten Christensen, Associate Professor of German and affiliated faculty in PLU’s new program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at PLU

  • survived the Holocaust to become a fierce advocate for Holocaust education, and for the memory of those who did not survive. Even after his death in 2012, the man whose name informs one of PLU’s most distinguished programs remains an inspiration: for scholars, for students—and, perhaps most recently (and most poignantly), for a J-Term Study Away experience organized by Kirsten Christensen, Associate Professor of German and affiliated faculty in PLU’s new program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at PLU

  • other time in our lives are we saturated with so many diverse ideas, perspectives, lifestyles and goals. Learn More Universities are complex microcosms of a complex society. From the very beginnings of university life in the 11th Century, campuses have been places of change, diversity and disagreement. Indeed this tension has often been a driving force of the changes in higher education. In this article, 18 great student leaders and alumni share how identity and activism has changed throughout the

  • , education, etc.)? If you completed the majority of requirements for a major, would it make more sense to finish the major you have already started and pick up courses or a minor in an area you are more interested in exploring? Interview a Faculty Member Make an appointment to talk with a faculty member about the skills and areas of expertise you will develop in studying the disciplines they teach. Ask about employment of recent graduates in this area and internships that majors have completed or are

  • talking about all three majors together. IHON is a different way to do your general education requirements. Instead of taking separate subjects like math and art, classes offer integrated topics. So, one course on 1968 combined philosophy, politics and art. It’s cool how different perspectives lead to realizations on how subjects are related. Knapp: I don’t know if I could’ve put on my project so easily elsewhere, with an awesome ability to use the space and resources. Faculty and staff encourage