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  • The Power of Hope By David Ward, assistant professor of Marriage and Family Therapy As a marriage and family therapist, the couples I work with tend to wait until problems in their relationship have significantly escalated before they seek therapy. Fortunately, amidst the distress, by…

    August 4, 2010 The Power of Hope By David Ward, assistant professor of Marriage and Family Therapy As a marriage and family therapist, the couples I work with tend to wait until problems in their relationship have significantly escalated before they seek therapy. Fortunately, amidst the distress, by the end of the session I usually experience a feeling that keeps me loving the work I do with these couples. David Ward sought out to understand hope within the specific context of couples therapy

  • Training with the Lute battalion By Katie Scaff ’13 Most college students don’t walk out of the classroom and directly into a leadership position. Most don’t have a job locked down more than a year before they graduate. And most don’t get the training needed…

    May 7, 2013 Training with the Lute battalion By Katie Scaff ’13 Most college students don’t walk out of the classroom and directly into a leadership position. Most don’t have a job locked down more than a year before they graduate. And most don’t get the training needed to make those type of things happen for free. But Ray Velásquez isn’t like most college students. Velásquez is part of a small minority who will graduate and immediately rise the ranks and have a guaranteed job for the next

  • Recently, I received a letter from a concerned parent and alumna commenting on how completely amazed and surprised she is at how different PLU is now, compared to her time here in the early 1980s.  She has since returned to campus many times, but more…

    The ‘L’ is not silent Posted by: Thomas Krise / March 21, 2016 March 21, 2016 Recently, I received a letter from a concerned parent and alumna commenting on how completely amazed and surprised she is at how different PLU is now, compared to her time here in the early 1980s.  She has since returned to campus many times, but more in the past four years as her two daughters have both attended PLU, one graduating last year.  Her concern stems from the fact that as she walked around campus, went on

  • The field of medicine offers a challenging, yet rewarding career. If you are attracted to helping people and have the aspiration to use scientific knowledge to serve society, then a career in

    So You Want to be a Physician?The field of medicine offers a challenging, yet rewarding career. If you are attracted to helping people and have the aspiration to use scientific knowledge to serve society, then a career in medicine might be the right choice for you. As you think about a possible vocation as a physician, ask yourself the following questions: Are you interested in science and how the body works? Do you care deeply about other people, their problems, and their pain? Are you a good

  • Showcase at Tula’s Will Feature the Jazz Sound Trio, the University Jazz Ensemble, Student Combos and Little Big Bands SEATTLE, Wash. (April 23, 2015)—Jazz music is a dish best served live and in person. A fusion of African-American, European-American and international musical traditions, jazz is…

    23, 2015)—Jazz music is a dish best served live and in person. A fusion of African-American, European-American and international musical traditions, jazz is known for its energy, creativity and ingenuity. Its iconic founding fathers and mothers are revered as some of the greatest improvisational artists in modern history.No performance stage is too grand or too modest for the lively genre, but jazz music may be most at home in culturally vibrant metropolitan nightclubs. New Orleans, Chicago and

  • TACOMA, Wash. (April 29, 2015)—Jennifer Henrichsen ’07 has accomplished much more than she could’ve imagined in the years since she left Pacific Lutheran University. Not only has she had a book published with a PLU professor, but Henrichsen also has recently been published by UNESCO…

    Program. “When I finished my thesis, Joanne said, ‘Hey, I think we have enough to write a book,’ and I said, ‘Oh, OK. Why not?’” Henrichsen laughed. From there, they began working on a proposal that was picked up by the second publisher they pitched; the book, War on Words: Who Should Protect Journalists?, was published in 2011. Now Henrichsen is a technology fellow at a nonprofit in Washington, D.C., that provides support for journalists. She focuses on how technology affects communication and

  • Earth Day – Connecting to Everything on Earth: Its Land, Waters, and Peoples (Plant, Animal, and Human) PLU’s 2012 Earth Day lecture will be by Michael Pavel at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17 in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. Pavel is a professor of education studies…

    a Coast Salish tradition bearer, professor of education studies, traditional artist, researcher, author, environmental conservationist and community leader. His lecture is entitled, “Connecting to Everything on Earth: Its Land, Waters, and Peoples (Plant, Animal, and Human). ChiXapkaid has worked throughout his life to bridge the divide between Indigenous ways of knowing and knowledge systems of contemporary society. His talk will draw insight form indigenous traditions to discuss how people

  • In collaboration with the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education , the Mortvedt Library has organized an exhibit in honor of the 11th Biennial Wang Center symposium : “ The Matter of Loneliness: Building Connections for Collective Well-Being. ” This two-day conference will…

    : Reclaiming the African American environmental heritage (1st ed). Lawrence Hill Books. (PLU Library link) Jenkins, Willis, Tucker, Mary Evelyn, & Grim, John (Eds.). (2018). Routledge handbook of religion and ecology. Routledge, Taylor & Francis group. (PLU Library link) Ray, Sarah J., Sibara, Jay, & Alaimo, Stacy. (Eds.). (2017). Disability studies and the environmental humanities: Toward an eco-crip theory. University of Nebraska Press. Watts Belser, Julia. (2020). Disability, climate change, and

  • Our mission as the Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University is to promote the growth of the collective student body community as a whole, while actively encouraging the advancement of the

    Commitment to Diversity, Justice, and SustainabilityASPLU embraces our university’s values of diversity, justice, and sustainability (DJS). This is because DJS is necessary in living out the mission of PLU as a whole: inquiry, service, leadership, and care. Mission StatementOur mission as the Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University is to promote the growth of the collective student body community as a whole, while actively encouraging the advancement of the individual.DJS StatementIn

  • Pacific Lutheran University Professor of Biology Amy Siegesmund is the recipient of the American Society for Microbiology’s 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students. What I love about teaching microbiology is that…

    Society for Microbiology's 2023 Carski Award for Undergraduate Teaching. The award recognizes a university educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students.What I love about teaching microbiology is that I get to share with students a discipline that I am passionate about and excites me every day,” said Siegesmund. “I get the opportunity to bring students together in a learning community to understand how the microbial world is intricately tied to our lives and our deaths