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  • that takes place outside of the standard lecture periods of each class. Studio art classes conform to University standards requiring at least 45 hours per semester of student learning per credit. Clinical, Practicum, and Field Work ExperiencesThese experiential learning activities are defined as part of the program that allows for observation, participation, studies of individual pupils or clients, individual work, and practica both on and off campus. These experiences may be assigned a range of

  • PLU). Students must complete a minimum of 32 semester hours at PLU to be eligible for graduation honors. Study Away courses at a PLU-approved program count towards the 32-hour minimum, but do not count towards graduation honors unless the courses are taught by PLU faculty. Term honors will be determined on the same basis as graduation honors.Deadline to Complete Degree RequirementsCandidates for graduation/degree completion must complete ALL requirements by the stated deadline to receive a degree

  • Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Discovery Faculty / Students / April 21, 2014 A Study of the CREP New Psychology Program Boosts Science AND Undergraduate Publication Potential By Sandy Deneau Dunham RESOLUTE Editor S amantha Henderson ’14 is a 29-year-old Psychology major who’s conducted significant scientific research, shared it on an international database and claimed a sizable cash award—and her research team still presented its work on a

  • by a fall semester in Norway her sophomore year. She spent a J-Term in Costa Rica, fall of her junior year in Tanzania, and a semester in Argentina and Antarctica her senior year. All were amazing experiences, she said, that helped her discover a love for studying in a place and growing to know it well rather than just being a tourist. Bryanna Plog '10Aboard the M/V Ushauia during her J-Term study away program in Antarctica. (Photo courtesy of Plog) Bryanna Plog '10In Cocora Valley, Colombia, in

  • Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Discovery Faculty / Students / April 21, 2014 A Study of the CREP New Psychology Program Boosts Science AND Undergraduate Publication Potential By Sandy Deneau Dunham RESOLUTE Editor S amantha Henderson ’14 is a 29-year-old Psychology major who’s conducted significant scientific research, shared it on an international database and claimed a sizable cash award—and her research team still presented its work on a

  • affordable, and the affordable weren’t skilled. So, despite my circumstance, I decided I would go and get a J.D. myself to become an effective attorney for the poor and the legally weak. How is it going? It is a dream come true and I feel like I’m floating on grace every day! The Juris Doctorate program is very rigorous, though. I’m reading about 8 hours a day, just to prepare for lectures. I’ve never studied this much ever in my life. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out how laid back my peers

  • InternshipsOne of the hallmarks of the PLU sociology and criminal justice program is the opportunity for students to participate in experiential learning opportunities. Internships are a great way to gain valuable work experience and to learn more about potential career paths. Internships are required for Criminal Justice majors and strongly recommended for Sociology majors.Criminal Justice students commonly complete internships with juvenile courts, law enforcement agencies, probation offices

  • student organizations is permitted with the approval of the respective Community Director.  United States mail addressed to individual students, regardless of its nature is approved for distribution.  Room-to-Room Contact: Room-to-room student contact by student organizations is permitted for purposes of program promotion or election campaigning.  It includes placing promotional materials under the doors of individual residents.  This type of contact is subject to the approval of the Residential Life

  • , Sleep & Self Read Previous Dr. Torvend on Sustainability in Monastic Communities Read Next Professor Rick Barot, Director of the MFA program, long listed for National Book Award LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May 26, 2022 Gendered Tongues: Issues of Gender in the Foreign Language Classroom May 26, 2022 Introduction May 26, 2022

  • health. Many services are offered at no cost or are covered through your PLU International Study Health Insurance. Call (253-535-7337) or go online to make an appointment. PLU健康中心将会为PLU的学员(不论保险)提供基础的健康保证,包括疾病,伤害护理以及体检。所提供的服务包括填写处方,治疗急性疾病,感冒发烧,肌肉损伤等疾病,评估和管理慢性病,如哮喘,免疫接种,针对性别的护理,体检,性健康服务和紧急避孕,以及对情绪和心理健康的护理。许多服务都是免费提供的,或通过您的PLU国际学生健康保险提供。 致电(253-535-7337)或查询网站预约Quick Links Incoming Students (homepage) Current Students (homepage) ABC Program Policies Living on Campus Staying Healthy Life in the US Food